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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. the correct answer is obvious.
  2. Karl Rove may be smart, but he is "half satan", if you know what I mean.
  3. mmmmCLOSE! more like it. btw, don't most people base decisions on who to vote for on subjective opinion? based on what we personally believe in? am I wrong? hello?
  4. what I am saying is if the Democratic party had the kind of candidates that the Republican party has today (which in my opinion are not good) then I would cross the party line and vote Republican if I thought the Republican party had better candidates. OR I would vote for Independent or Green. understand now??? FYI, there is no alternate universe...
  5. not that anyone cares, but I typically vote along party lines, but if the Democratic party looked like the Republican party looks today, I would cross party lines for sure. just sayin'. or maybe:
  6. I think the important thing is that the rat was unharmed. and yeah, sorry, but the guy naming his child Sarah McCain Palin just takes the cake. the stupid cake that is.
  7. according to my uncle, the entire state of South Carolina is voting for the Republican ticket "no matter who the candidates are. "
  8. that has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read.
  9. another Libra birthday!!! have a fabulous day!
  10. I suppose if I was in the mountains and it was freezing with nothing left alive, I would eat a dead person. still, it sucks.
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