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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. those nut jobs are the Republican base, for the most part. don't you also think that Palin in particular is saying things that will cause controversy? things that are untrue for that matter.
  2. how so? that's part of the goal, right? also, I seriously doubt that paying higher income taxes is going to impede anyone making "1 million plus a year's" ability to buy more stuff.
  3. as a result of their greed, my 401K is shit right now.
  4. so what is your definition of "fair" for the people? should I as a middle class tax payer get a tax break? what about the millionaire who get's a bigger tax break than me, is that fair? just what is YOUR definition of fair. is the fact that Exxon gets a tax break when they generate billions of dollars annually on inflated gas prices fair? I think not.
  5. yeah, wake me up too. so as a result of big oil-meds-banks(who by the way are getting BAILED OUT!)-etc making more money and getting tax breaks, we as tax payers should be grateful that they get tax breaks? is this the bazaaro world? they make billions and we get screwed anyway. even with the tax breaks they have today, we pay more and more for their products. maybe the next president will have the balls to regulate (yes I said it!) these businesses a bit better so no one is getting screwed; which obviously NEEDS to happen as we can see from the results of deregulation in this economy. regul
  6. so paying your fair share of taxes if you make more money is being socialist? this country is never going to be a socialist country no matter who is in charge. I am tired of seeing people that make more money than me getting taxed less. I pay out the ass on taxes and it's time for everyone to pay their fair share, PERIOD.
  7. he has much better choices than to run a negative campaign based on lies and playing on people's fear. I think most people are tired of hearing all the "socialist" and "pals around with terrorists" crap. and it is CRAP!
  8. Palin said out right today that Obama is a socialist. it's fear mongering, pure and simple.
  9. nice! that was the tour that I saw them on.
  10. OMGMETOO! MB, I loved them too. The Fixx and Flock of Seagulls was my very first concert.
  11. but people are saved!~ by 0% interest!
  12. any 80's nerds like me out there? remember this song by The Fixx? has the song been stuck in your head lately? it has been in mine because it's in heavy rotation on a Toyota commercial. the there's this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...12085648AAaWRMo
  13. my husband just told me to be optimistic and not act like a "Cubs fan." he's been a Cubs fan way longer than me
  14. "don't get cocky" it ain't over 'til it's over.
  15. I guess the people at the Chicago Tribune didn't get their robo call.
  16. no one digs potato salad? sheeeiiitt!
  17. what about potato salad, you monster!
  18. tots are good. fries are better. edit: I could eat fries COLD!
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