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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. this is so sad. I hope she's ok.
  2. it's sorta being discussed over here: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...t&p=1202663
  3. celebrities never influence who I decide to vote for. I've already decided.
  4. thanks everyone! ya'll are the best
  5. you're boss!!! meth? TAMALES!!!!! I'm drunk and I'm going to bed.
  6. things are getting ugly. can't we just go ahead and hold the election tomorrow? it is a Tuesday and all...
  7. well if this doesn't cheer a person up, then nothing will! thanks everyone!
  8. go Speed Racer! go Speed Racer! go Speed Racer goooooooo!!!
  9. Happy Birthday fellow Libra! hope it's a good one!
  10. Dick, I mean Jules, don't you know that it's God's will that she be vice president?
  11. I'm with ya Kevin. I'll always root for them, but these two games were just depressing. I want them to win so badly!
  12. I'm majorly disappointed and can't BELIEVE this is happening. I don't understand a team that can have a killer record throughout the whole season and totally drop the ball (literally) during the playoffs. the suckitude is endless!
  13. I would have used the word "scripted" in that sentence.
  14. I KNOW! I think I'm going to change my screen name to MAVERICK!!!!
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