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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. me too, but he almost loaded up the bases AGAIN, which shouldn't be happening. grrrrrrr.
  2. this is one reason why I avoided the area today. it makes me what to vomit.
  3. what I mean to say is he could blow it in the playoffs. I want the Cubs to go further! anyhoo, it's just my horny opinion. Wood is too risky as far as I'm concerned.
  4. yes. whatever his stats are, every time I see him play he either barely makes it through the inning or he blows it. he's blown it too many times and he could do it again and ruin our chances in the playoffs. the Cubs have other closers, like Carlos Marmol, that can do the job just fine. sorry, but I'm not waivering on this.
  5. every time he comes up to close the last inning, I bite my nails. he inevitably loads up the bases pretty much EVERY TIME! my husband is fully prepared to boo him if he closes at the Mets games in a couple of weeks. it's frustrating as hell. when he's good he's good. when he's bad, he's absolutely awful. no. he throws more pitches than should be necessary for a closer every time I see him play. he blew it the other night against the Cards, a team that we must beat. no no no. get rid of him!
  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kerry Wood needs to retire. I don't care how much money he generates for the club. he has risked game after game for the Cubs, single handedly. he almost cost us the game last night. it's time to go Kerry.
  7. this is so true. when we first moved here and I had to go into the city by myself to look for work, I was very very nervous. now, riding the subway and coming to work in a high rise every day is just something I do and I try not to think about what could possibly happen. if we all obsessed over it, we'd be paralyzed.
  8. I was in Nashville for an insurance company very close to the airport. I remember hearing about the first plane on NPR and also assumed it was a small plane. once I got to the third floor where my cubicle was, everyone was talking about it. you couldn't access CNN online or anything to get coverage, we had no televisions for some reason, so we listened to the radio. I called my husband and told him what happened; he was still asleep. he continuously called me with updates every 5 minutes. I worked with a lot of people in NYC, so I was very concerned about everyone. I remember the skies were q
  9. I hope someone is watching Barrack on Letterman right now.
  10. Good morning starshine The earth says hello You twinkle above us We twinkle below Good morning starshine You lead us along My love and me as we sing Our early morning singing song Gliddy glub gloopy Nibby nabby noopy La la la lo lo Sabba sibby sabba Nooby abba nabba Le le lo lo Tooby ooby walla Nooby abba naba Early morning singing song Good morning starshine The earth says hello You twinkle above us We twinkle below Good morning starshine You lead us along My love and me as we sing Our early morning singing song Gliddy glub gloopy Nibby nabby noopy La la la lo lo Sabba sibby sabba N
  11. I KNOW! Barack wasn't even talking about her, but because of her "lipstick" comment at the RNC, the McCain campaign is turning his statement into a personal insult.
  12. yeah, who cares about facts when she's new, popular and an insurgent. not to mention a maverick.
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