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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I can't BELIEVE you're getting rid of those.
  2. get your stuff out early. most people who go to yard sales start early to get all the bargans. put up some cardboard signs around the neighborhood.
  3. embiggen

    I fear

    I thought this thread was about Wilco's new album. btw, I like Evil Urges and I don't care who knows it.
  4. OK! so I sent Jules a text and IT'S A BOY!!!!!!@ no name yet, but everyone is healthy and happy! HUZZAH!!!
  5. heyyyyy, how did you find out about it?
  6. happy birthday Mr. Tweedy!
  7. the rings stuck in the Waffles are the coup de gras.
  8. I've heard one song off of this on The Current and it's in regular rotation. I'm not really a fan but the song is good. typical Oasis sound.
  9. I believe in a higher power. I'm Christian, but I don't believe it's the one and only faith that one has to believe in or they are damned to hell.
  10. have a totally bizarre birthday! :party :party :party
  11. thanks! my husband took most of the pictures and he is very proud of the one of Nels.
  12. this is incorrect. AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS
  13. oh yeah. I texted right through their show.
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