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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. this craigslist add is crazy!
  2. are you a Canadian goddess?
  3. healthy baby and mommy vibes!
  4. I spoke to this guy on the phone once. he wasn't that bad.
  5. I'd like to hear what Dale Nixon has to say about this.
  6. he was also behind the swift boat ads agains John Kerry. I wonder if he has some ulterior motive besides making money...
  7. you can just stop right there. I didn't say I was poor at the moment and spending my every waking hour trying to survive and find food and shelter. you can back the fuck off now when it comes to telling me or how I can afford to have the political beliefs that I have.
  8. ? I have been poor and liberal most of my life. I don't get the statement in the first place.
  9. umm... the husband will have to come along too. you have no idea how long he has waited for this to happen... if it happens... which I hope it does!
  10. oh yes!!! I'm looking forward to returning to the mountains over Labor Day weekend!
  11. anyone remember Black Label? now that was a poor man's beer.
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