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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. your anger is making me laugh. thanks for that!
  2. have a fantabulous birthday!!! :party :party
  3. yeah that is really, REALLY good for you. you're still celebrating your birthday, aren't you...
  4. I KNOW! but I got a baked potato instead of fries.
  5. I totally got this for lunch! and no, I haven't tried that bacon thingy.
  6. he already did something like that.
  7. it's not really a spoiler at all. one of the characters said it throughout the show... also, I'm not so sure if faster pace and editing would have kept the show from being cancelled. certainly Sopranos didn't always have a fast pace and during the last couple of seasons I was continously wondering when the hell "something" was going to happen.
  8. AMEN! whoever has taken his place doesn't have the balls to fight for these shows. Milch is one of a kind, just like Lynch, and he really churns out some brilliant programs. it took me a season to get into Deadwood, but it's truly a masterpiece and I'm a diehard fan. I really think if John was given a 2nd season it would have caught on and had a chance to flesh out more of the story. so it goes...
  9. he lives on in our minds and hearts.
  10. I haven't gotten into The Wire. I wish we had Showtime because I would love to see Weeds and Dexter
  11. I have watched Saving Grace, once, and it totally sucked! people don't know what's good.
  12. actually, I did not realize. thanks for that!
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