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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. you really should check with the dr. acupuncture may help with the pain and swelling
  2. mystery train three way plane expressway to your skull
  3. what a ridiculous argument. this was supposed to be fun.
  4. that I was listening to when I first had sex.
  5. took me about 20 listens before I got into it. now I love it because I listened to it the right way.
  6. ...reminds me of the Beach Boys.
  7. the song is pretty good, but that video sucks. totally unnecessary.
  8. your ears are so big they resemble the doors on a Delorean.
  9. you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.
  10. is that your nose or are you eating a banana?
  11. is the album that I'm listening to now. you forgot Steely Dan and the Eagles.
  12. have an awesome day!!! shoot some fireworks or something!
  13. yeah, what is up with that theme music?
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