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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. CONGRATS! :party :party :party wait a minute, you're only 21 years old!!!!!
  2. you can count on that smell lingering for a good, long while.
  3. you must go downtown and walk around Broadway, where all the classic country bars are. The riverfront down there is cool too. also, there is a BBQ place on Broadway called Jack's and it is awesome! must go there! MUST!
  4. I wish it was last Sunday because if it was, tomorrow I'd be going out to the lake to spend the day on a pontoon boat, swim, eat, swim, eat, doze in the sun, swim, swim, eat, swim...
  5. I went. it was a good show; they had that southern rock sound. someone played a 38 Special song (Caught Up In You) prior to the show and it was stuck in my head until they got on stage. I really dug the bass player; she was awesome. the only thing I didn't like was the songs all kind of sounded alike and the sound mix was muddy as hell. couldn't hear the Wurlitzer at all. it was sold out and people were standing outside getting tickets from people that were leaving the show early. in conclusion, I give the show a B+. I have pics and will post them later.
  6. not sure who is with them. that's funny you should mention the ear plugs. hubby is running the show and when he just called, he was telling someone to go buy some ear plugs.
  7. anyone going tonight? are they good/fun?
  8. farting in front of guests is not funny.
  9. you just aren't watching it right.
  10. I can't imagine Swearengen being played by anyone else.
  11. please tell me this is a fucking joke.
  12. his speaking to the bird is very, very similar to Swearengen talking to the Indian chief head. it took me about 4 episodes to really get into it. Sunday night, and the Sunday before, were truly excellent episodes. yes
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