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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. can't you see that any thread about this subject will become inflammatory??? CAN'T YOU?!
  2. I KNOW! when my husband and I would drive home from vacationing in Destin, FL, we would pass this horrific statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest. this horrible monstrosity was reviled by many in Nashville and the surrounding area. it faced the interstate in Brentwood, TN and it was/is on private property. therefore, nothing could be done to remove it. anyways, we would flip the statue off while in traffic. some fellow drivers passed us and gave us the thumbs up here is the horrible thing:
  3. as a born Southern woman, the content of this song/soliloquy does not represent the views of all Southern people or the South in today's day and time... well not me anyways.
  4. or skateboards even? bikes?
  5. also, went to the Catskills back in May. awesome way to begin the Summer!
  6. in mid-July, I'll be headed for Nashville to attend my 20 year high school reunion.
  7. I closed it because the timing was just right!
  8. we watched it last night. those guys are awful, which is pretty hilarious!
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