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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. {{{{{{{{{{vibes and caramel corn}}}}}}}}}}}
  2. when I am surrounded by all kinds of Italian eateries, why would I go to Olive Garden. WHY?
  3. it will be a great day, just believe! {{{{{{{mega vibes}}}}}}}
  4. I won't be able to make this.
  5. I don't think there was a thread about your license plate before.
  6. embiggen


    Tommy Womack, formerly of Government Cheese, was telling me about some festival type show they played back in the late eighties, maybe early nineties, in Louisville KY. the Cheese had the stage from 12:00 - 2:00 am and rocked the house. then UT came on and played for 7 people. look at all those guys now. just sayin'.
  7. I was at the Trade Center today, like I am every morning. the emotions are palpable just walking through the train station and out onto the street. for some reason, I didn't think I would be emotional today, but sure enough, I saw the police officers dressed in black, the protesters who think 9/11 was an inside job, and all the other mourners and I teared up. I can't imagine the sadness ever going away each anniversary. I find it difficult to listen to the names. it's all too much...
  8. I did see that when it came out. I actually liked it.
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