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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Just listened to Boys and Girls In America today.
  2. /\ that's a testament to the brilliance of the musical interpretations, in my opinion.
  3. Well thank you. I'm glad my sarcasm did not go unheeded.
  4. I played in Charleston once. It was a bar with a fireworks stand in the parking lot. We played, and after the set we're shooting off fireworks in the parking lot. A cop car rolls up and stops. So we northerners get all spooked and run to our van, and the cop doesn't even get out of the car. I thought we were in a utopia, in Jersey there would have been 3 cop cars there and at least half of us would have been arrested.
  5. Yeah, that's a great idea. Maybe a Wilco/Andrew Bird collaboration. That could be wicked.
  6. Well, its over now, Wilco are sellouts, you are all pawns in the corporate game, and that was a kick ass show. Good night everyone.
  7. This announcer must be trying to be impartial: "ONE of America's best rock and roll bands." Hello fuckhead, they are America's best rock and roll band.
  8. I only wanna go where my wheels roll
  9. I gotta say, its nice to come to the board and not have to be a sarcastic asshole. I feel like we all enjoyed this as a family.
  10. I really don't like this song that much. Its good on the record, but I don't know.
  11. Glenn wanted to do Monday I think!
  12. Ha, this announcer is a dork! lol But I was pretty awestruck after seeing the band on Saturday night, so I wouldn't be much better.
  13. They aint done yet! please?....
  14. shit, NICE piano solo! Pat is the man.
  15. I know I've heard it 132 times, but the crazy noise on this song still sounds so cool, as Jeff n John calmly sing over it all. Its freaking brilliant.
  16. my fav on SBS. great juxtaposition
  17. Freaking Nels. I love the breaks on this song...
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