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Everything posted by markosis

  1. I'm trying to get people to think. A wild idea, I know.
  2. Well, on the horizon in NJ is a toll hike on our highways to make up for piss poor government spending. So if it goes through, I will take out ads in local papers to attempt to convince my fellow Jerseyans not to pay tolls. They cannot fine everyone, and I'm definitely willing to take one for the team. That's my contribution, if the toll hikes come to pass. I totally agree. I'd say an election day where no one votes as a message that we despise our broken system would surely make some difference. You don't think that if we collectively gave the finger to the system by not taking par
  3. Damn right there are more than 2 parties. And I say with tongue in cheek, I think its more feasible to get everyone to not vote than to think America would elect anyone outside the sacred red & blue. and I think I'm going to quote myself here, lest anyone forget: IT DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is that we have so many resources and privileges at our disposal and we choose to be led around instead of doing as our forefathers did and taking some fucking action. Our government wants us to think like good little monkeys and vote red or blue and everything will be great if we leave it
  4. Hot damn, that says it all! Thanks for posting that.
  5. I can clue in on some great places near the Tower that actually give you free beer and food. I'll let you know if you can find me a ticket for the show. Thanks.
  6. I know. That sad part is, people had some guts in the past. If they felt screwed over, they organized and changed things. Nowadays, most people won't do a thing unless their TVs tell them to. I'm trying to bring to light the idea that we can make a difference if we do it together, by voting, or not voting. But I'm surely not going to vote if no one deserves it. Since I've been able to vote, no one has deserved my vote, but I did it anyway out of some robotic reflex. No more.
  7. Well, its also apparently impossible for everyone single citizen to vote, so why not go the the other way and see what happens? We all can agree that something needs to change, and many people feel the way I do, so why not flip the bird to all the people many of us agree don't deserve a frigging ounce of our attention?
  8. I agree. People died for the right to vote. People also, unfortunately, died and still die for the crap we are going through now. People died so more people can die, for no damn reason. I think the spitting-in-faces isn't being done by me but by those who run the show. The right to petition is also a right people died for, and I am petitioning other Americans to make a difference by not voting at all, if only just to see what happens. If we can't all collectively vote, maybe we can all collectively not vote, either way a big change would be made, and that's what I'm talking about here.
  9. Agreed. My point has more to do with people like the Clintons and all high-end politicians being rich for no good reason while truly hard working people who really make a difference in the world are not only ignored but shat on. A statement on the political system as a whole. Capitalism over democracy.
  10. I have a better question: what was so great about Bill Clinton's presidency? Better yet, don't answer. It'll probably have something to do with the economy, which is bullshit, because a better economy means jack shit for Flint, MI and countless other places that industry has left to rot, while people like the Clintons stay rich, and for absolutely nothing other than being politicians. Bill Clinton=another rich man's son. Nothing more.
  11. DON'T VOTE! I have a wild idea: if no one votes, what happens? Let's find out. There ain't shit worth voting for anyway. Yes, I am a jaded youngster (24). The fact is that among the douche bags we have to choose from in the major parties, they have nothing new to say or offer. If they say anything radical or progressive, they either are lying or pandering for votes. Sure, Obama may say some high-falluting shit now, wait until he's under the gun in the Oval Office, and it will all spiral into the usual crap we've been dealing with for so long. So don't vote. Please join me in my
  12. I have one Cluster record, Soweisoso. That's all I can recommend. I know they did a collaboration with Eno in '77. That can't be bad.
  13. yeah, took me a while, but I came around 'chitlins con carne' is a blues song, but with a bossa rhythym; frigging great consistently charming; innocent and grown-up-worldly all at the same time
  14. I really hate the term krautrock. Can is amazing. I just discovered Cluster, who are more in line with Eno type instrumental electronic stuff, and they're really good too. I should probably clarify my hatred of the term: Can is so unique and beautifully so, how can they be lumped into any musical genre? Especially one so stupid as "krautrock?" I think I'm going to start calling all American music hotdogrock. That way krautrock and hotdogrock can come together for some delicious results.
  15. There aint no room for the hopeless sinner who would hurt all mankind just to save his own
  16. check out Anais Mitchell too. Damn powerful songwriter and singer there. Anais Mitchell
  17. This band from Philly, Aderbat, needs some exposure. I have a feeling some of them may be tied down to day jobs or some such crap, but they should be huge. Aderbat Go to itunes and buy their album Rabbits and Rocks. You won't be let down. While you're at it, go on their Myspace friends list and check out Peasant as well.
  18. All you need is faith to hear the diesels humming don't need no ticket, you just thank the lord
  19. Is that Leadbelly playing a squeeze box in your avatar?
  20. we just keep on keeping on many think that we've blown it but they too will soon admit that there's still a lot of love among us and there's still a lot of faith, warmth, and trust, when we keep on keeping on
  21. Cave In - Jupiter Haven't listened to this one in years.
  22. I could probably spend an hour figuring out my favorites, but I will say this Vocals: Van Morrison - "And It Stoned Me" and "Into The Mystic" Guitar: The Band - "When You Awake" (Robbie's rhythym playing leaves me in awe probably moreso than his lead playing) and "Just Another Whistle Stop" , "Time To Kill", and "Unfaithful Servant" (great leads)
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