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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Uhhhhh, Wilco didn't play at the Tower last night. It was the Moody Blues. Sounds like the shrooms were good.
  2. Some folks are not digging "Sunken Treasure" as an opener. I get that, but I'm really into the idea of a real show where they kind of ease you into it and make you pay attention rather than come out with all guns blazing, which most bands typically do. Wilco is one of those groups that bucks the trend and comes out softly and nicely, and I dig it. Kind of like how Wilco opens albums with softer tracks, its setting a theme, a mood. Yeah, they could come out rocking, and they could also give us the same show we'd get at any other rock show these days, but they do things their way, which is w
  3. Well, I only nabbed part of the setlist, it seems it took up two sheets of paper. Here's the half that I have: 1. Memphis 2. Mail Train 3. Ophelia 4. Everything Gonna Be Alright 5. 40 Days 6. Fannie Mae 7. Long Black Veil 8. I Wanna Know 9. Got Me A Woman 10. Atlantic City 11. Ashes Of Love 12. Did You Love Me 13. Gotta Get My Baby 14. I Aint Got No Home 15. Rag Mama Rag
  4. Damn, I forgot Muzzle Of Bees, Pot Kettle Black (Hell yeah again), Side with the Seeds and Hummingbird.
  5. IT WAS FUCKING RELIGIOUS!!!! I got a gift from god handed to me in the form of a 15th row seat in exchange for my balcony seat. A couple had been split up and the guy asked if I would trade with his fiance so they could sit together. I obliged, although I had to leave my Dad upstairs, he wasn't too upset considering I paid for the show. Anyway, they started off quiet. Sunken Treasure, Remember the Mountain Bed, Airline To Heaven, Hesitating Beauty. From there, hmmm. You Are My Face, Shot in the Arm, She's a Jar (HELL YEAH), Via Chicago, Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(again) (DOUBLE
  6. HELL YEAH! One last shout out/prayer for "When You Wake Up Feeling Old"!
  7. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. I know there's more good artists from Jersey that haven't been mentioned. There has to be. And, none of you Chi-town folks mention Curtis Mayfield? Shame.
  8. I'll be praying they break it out in Philly! Someone else pray with me, please.
  9. I have a feeling I won't be seeing this show. I'm still hopeful though.
  10. "When You Wake Up Feeling Old" I can't believe it. There has to be audio of this somewhere.
  11. What a show last night at Philadelphia's Electric Factory. Dr. Dog opened the show, and put on their usual blazing performance. The sound is usually shite at the Factory, and Dr. Dog being the opening band, got the shaft. But they still killed it. Set list (in no particular order): "Aint It Strange", "The World May Never Know", "Alaska", "The Way The Lazy Do", "Worst Trip", "The Girl", killer new bluesy song with Toby's usually killer souful vocalizations, "My Old Ways", "From." Maybe one more. Olabelle put on a nice set, although it was short. Great musicianship all around, great 4
  12. I actually stayed at the Loft last February when I was in town helping my brother move. It is located at 2536 North Milwaukee Avenue. Great place, that.
  13. I will keep this up until around 6:59 pm next Saturday, if need be.
  14. The street view is the coolest thing. I've been thinking about moving to Portland, Or., and the street view has been great in checking out addresses of prospective apartments, just to check out a little piece of the neighborhood.
  15. Well, you can come to my house in Jersey, I'll give you beer and pizza, then you give me a ticket. Sounds like a fair trade.
  16. I have a bone to pick with the whole primary thing: I've never voted in a primary before last week, and I was quite miffed when the woman at the voting center told me I had to pick between being registered as a Republican or a Democrat. I didn't want to choose either, out of principle, since I don't really believe people should be corralled into political parties, and I almost walked out when she told me I absolutely had to choose one or I wouldn't be able to cast a vote. I don't get it. If anything, I'm independent. Couldn't I choose Independent? Why not?
  17. So frigging good. I use to think Hejira was my favorite Joni record, but I am now hooked on this.
  18. aye, another three days has passed. and fucking seriously, if I keep coming back here to post every god damn 3 days until February 23rd and I can't get at least one god damn ticket for my friend who has a birthday on the 25th and has never seen Wilco (I don't care if I go or not in that case), I'll be fucking fuck.
  19. climbing that tree high on LSD Casey Jones you better watch your pink caterpillar
  20. As I am listening to CAN's Future Days at this very moment, I have to say I fully agree.
  21. Jesus christ. I like that people are willing to jump down my throat rather than read what I have written. I'm trying to get people to think. Like, maybe all the stuff we're told by our teachers and politicians and television sets may be a load of shit. What, might I ask, do you do to enact change? Or, if you do nothing then you must be content with the current state of things? My point is, once again, that as Americans we have the right to organize and make a statement. But we'd rather listen to what Wolf Blitzer has to say. Look, I'm no Mother Jones or Ghandi, I'm just trying to e
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