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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Dude, they played "Its Just That Simple" again???!?!?! That's fucking sick!
  2. I think Turbulent Indigo is a kickass album. Very atmospheric and dreamy in most spots. It is one of those records that kind of takes me somewhere pretty and happy when I hear it. Yeah, her voice is shot, but its really all about the melodies.
  3. I guess you think he was acting rationally up to that point? Not quite.
  4. I predict the Flyers wont suck as much as they did last season. I can't say whether or not they'll make the playoffs, but I can assure you they won't be the worst team in the league 2 years in a row.
  5. I never said there was anything particularly wrong with the restraint The Band possessed. I find it a virtue. But the Rock of Ages recordings sound safe and tame to me. I have heard other live recordings where the band sounds very alive and electric. Rock of Ages (except for a few tracks) happens to sound a little flat to these ears, some of which I feel has to do with the way it was mixed. At least we can agree on one point:
  6. I'm glad someone sees it as I do. They all sound so tame on Rock of Ages, like their holding back, especially Levon's drumming. While he does a great job keeping time, there is no adventure, no risk, and hardly a fill to spice things up. "This Wheel's On Fire" sounds positively safe compared to other versions. Robbie's guitar work is very tame and not exactly as electrifying as I've heard in other live recordings. I think they kind of sucked the life out of "Get Up Jake," which is a ripping song in its original form included on the remastered The Band. I don't know, I always go back to R
  7. I personally attended 11.7349 shows last year. Im working on 11.735 for '07.
  8. You only really hear about Duke and the orchestra, and you only hear about songs like "Caravan," "Mood Indigo," and "Take The A-Train" as examples of his creativity. I'd like to say that hearing Duke in a trio setting is the absolute best way to hear him perform. His piano playing is magnificient (and very audible), as well as his composing abilities. There are some very obscure originals on here that I feel are among his best compositions. ("A Hundred Dreams Ago" is among the most beautiful ballads I've ever heard.)
  9. True that. That is a conflict which I live with everyday: Robbie the douche bag vs. Robbie the guitarist/songwriter Yes. Except for 1/2 of Cahoots, which even the band members don't recall too fondly.
  10. The breadsticks are the ONLY reason I'd ever eat at the Olive Garden again. Being from an Italian family, as well as living in South Jersey with a whole lot of real Italian restaurants, I know what the real thing tatses like. Its almost sacrilege to set foot in a place like that.
  11. I'm seriously considering a move to Seattle in the next 6-12 months. I was curious about a some things that may influence my decision. 1. What's the public transit system like? As in, is it convenient and do buses and trains cover a wide area? 2. What's the music scene like? Are there cool record stores and indie venues? I suppose that's all for now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Of course, any other info regarding Seattle is welcome. I know folks on the boards here are usually good at lending some advice on such topics. Thank you.
  12. Levon Helm, Garth Hudson, and Robbie Robertson together would be nice. It'll never happen.
  13. Well, this would explain why Nels had to cancel last Tuesday's gig with Jenny Schienman in Philly. The guy that filled in for him was awesome, but to see Nels up there would have been sweet. Get well soon you German bastard.
  14. I'm in the same boat. My intro to Coltrane was the Stardust album. His versions of "Time After Time" and "Then I'll Be Tired of You" are just so beautiful. As much as I like him for everything else he accomplished, his ballad work is untouched.
  15. Ah, so many feelings about jazz. I have to mention my absolute favorite jazz guitarist, Kenny Burrell. I discovered him through his sessions with 'Trane (he was actually the only guitarist Coltrane ever recorded with). A master of tasteful jazz guitar, he never over- or under-plays, he's just hitting all the perfect notes at the right times. I'd recommend, for starters, the Jimmy Smith record Softly as a Summer Breeze for a great introduction to Kenny Burrell. There's not much I can say about 'Trane that anyone else hasn't said. I will say that I'm not so much into his more acclaim
  16. F'ing A. and Todd Sickafoose is a killer bassist. can't wait.
  17. That concept goes well beyond music theory. Math comes to mind...
  18. I got this record last week and I can't stop listening to it. It is truly incredible the music that this man creates. I've heard many people say this record isn't as good as the self-titled album, but I'd have to say, so far, I like it equally as much. Its like his own Sky Blue Sky. Very simple in the rhythym department, and not as harmonically obtuse as his previous solo release. Great stuff.
  19. Us jazz dorks would call that "reharmonization." There's another term for you music students out there. Hell yeah. Representin'.
  20. Showing the Philly boys some love! God damnit, why can't the Dr. Dog/Wilco experience come to my town?
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