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Posts posted by Jesusetc84

  1. Wow that's not an obvious one. Do you even like music? How about side one track one of Beethoven's fifth symphony?



    Liking Nirvana means you don't like music? Generally there's a reason behind every cliche...


    Some that come to mind (just ones that haven't been mentioned):



    Antony & The Johnsons- Hope There's Someone

    Beck- Sexx Laws

    Belle & Sebastian- Stars of Track & Field

    Blur- Boys & Girls

    Bob Dylan- Lovesick

    The Cure- In Between Days

    Bonnie Prince Billy- A Minor Place

    Elliott Smith- Speed Trials

    The Flaming Lips- Race for the Prize

    Jeff Buckley- Mojo Pin

    Joanna Newsom- Ys

    M.I.A.- Bamboo Banga

    The National- Fake Empire

    Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds- Into My Arms

    Nirvana- About a Girl (MTV Unplugged)

    Pavement- Silent Kit

    Pixies- Debaser

    R.E.M.- Harbour Coat

    Radiohead- Airbag

    The Replacements- Hold My Life

    Slint- Good Morning, Captain

    The Smiths- A Rush and a Push and the Land That We Stand On is Ours

    Sonic Youth- Teenage Riot

    The Stone Roses- I Wanna Be Adored

    Talking Heads- Born Under Punches

    Tom Waits- Big in Japan

    Uncle Tupelo- Gun

    Wilco- Can't Stand It



    This is tough...most of the music I listen to is pre-1980.

  2. I am hoping for the new album asap, then next Dec-Jan-Feb some sort of winter residency so they can include the new album. The kicker for me would be some sort of epic 5 disc live box set release like a Hampton Comes Alive, with cool packaging, some useless stickers, you know the works :thumbup Maybe a "best of residency" dvd too!!!



    I've been wanting any kind of Wilco boxed set for a long time; a live one like that would kick ass.

  3. Here's the problem with Billy Bragg saying this...


    You don't record with Wilco, Wilco records with you.


    The come into your house in the middle of the night, dressed in ski masks and abduct you, take you to the loft and record with you. Then they bonk you on the head and you wakeup back in your bed with your shoes tied together and your box of donuts missing.



    That's rock n' roll. :monkey

  4. Didn't know if this went here, but I've been writing songs since I was 12 years old.


    I've suddenly lost all interest in my songs, and can't stand them, and haven't been able to write for a good 8 months now, and it's really dragging down my self-esteem a bit. Does anyone have any advice/ what they do when they can't write? Should I maybe just stop playing music?

  5. Sorry, but you're wrong.


    I'm not wrong; it's my opinion based on what we know about the sessions. You've done nothing to refute me, just saying "You're wrong."


    I'm sorry your debating skills never grew after Kindergarden, maybe you want to show me some examples of Billy Bragg taking the royalties he hoarded from the MA albums (which Wilco didn't recieve a red cent for according to interviews), and giving them away to the poor in a robin hood suit? Maybe you want to tell me that the scheduling a tour behind a band's back who's previous release had outsold anything Billy had done by 150k copies?


    Maybe you want to tell me why he's still insisting on touring/ working with a band that has no interest in him? Every time he name drops Wilco, we take note here at the VC. It's Billy Bragg putting himself back in the front of our minds.


    Either he's got serious social issues (can't take a hint), or he's a shameless self promoter, and an opportunist. I'm sorry if this contradicts the ideal version of Billy Bragg that you have.


    Seems pretty authentic to me, given how much unused footage from the film is in it...has anyone else seen this? Maybe Sam just threw this together?


    It's also worth noting the poster is of hispanic origin. Perhaps this video wasn't aired domestically?

  7. You obviously have no understanding whatsoever of Mr. Bragg and the way he does things. :rolleyes


    Meh...it's obvious Jeff doesn't want anything to do with a MA 3,4,5, and 17. Billy would do it all in a heart beat.


    And don't give me that crap about him being socialist...Almost all of his moves as it relates to working with Wilco reek of shameless self-promotion and an attempt to cash in on a buck with an artist who is significantly more successful than he.


    For the record I like Bragg's music a lot, but Jeff is right; Billy Bragg is full of shit. He spreads rumors and tall tales about stuff like tours, extra tracks, etc to drum up interest in himself due to his Wilco connection.

  8. I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of Sam Cooke's Harlem Square Club (a classic, yes, but often forgotten on these kind of lists). And I'd never heard of The Wrens before.


    True, Sam Cooke love is ALWAYS good.


    The Wrens is heh...meh...kind of generic power pop to my ears; some people on the site really love it though.


    I was also not surprised by the exclusion of classics like Sign o The Times, Hunky Dory, Nevermind, Funhouse, and basically anything that didn't hit sort of VC protocol.

  9. There was some beef about the mixing. Wilco wanted a cohesive sounded record and Bragg told Bennett "you make your record, and I'll make mine, fucker." Also, Jeff thought it was kind of cheesy that Bragg wanted to do mostly political songs. I think that was because everyone knows he was political, and Jeff wanted to humanize Guthrie rather than treat him like cartoon character. (Those are my words) And the guys in Wilco pissed off Bragg because they wouldn't record while Simpsons was on. There's more, you should read the book.



    Not that Wilco does it for the money, but it couldn't have helped that they supposedly never saw a single royalties check from a project that among it's 2 volumes sold over 500,000 copies in the U.S. alone.


    Granted as Wilco says, they make most of their money off touring anyway, so I doubt any of the members made a stink.

  10. That's nothing. All I gots is the sheet music. When I go to Wilco shows, I can tell which SBS song is coming up by which instruments they pick up, then I run to the men's room, hide in a stall and and read staffs.



    I'm sorry...nothing is topping this post.

  11. Poor Places


    It's my father's voice trailing off

    Sailors sailing off in the morning

    For the air-conditioned rooms

    At the top of the stairs


    His jaw's been broken

    His bandage is wrapped too tight

    His fangs have been pulled

    And I really want to see you tonight


    There's bourbon on the breath

    Of the singer you love so much

    He takes all his words from the books

    That you don't read anyway


    His jaw's been broken

    His bandage is wrapped too tight

    His fangs have been pulled

    And I really want to see you tonight


    Someone ties a bow

    In my backyard to show me love

    My voice is climbing walls

    Smoking and I want love


    My jaw's been broken

    My heart is wrapped in ice

    My fangs have been pulled

    And I really want to see you tonight


    And it makes no difference to me

    How they cried all over overseas

    When it's hot in the poor places tonight

    I'm not going outside


    They cried all over overseas

    It makes no difference to me

    When it's hot in the poor places tonight

    I'm not going outside


    It's hot in the poor places tonight

    I'm not going outside

    I'm not going outside

    I'm not going outside





    That song keeps me from ever completing a Wilco mix cd...I can't leave it off because it's so good...but then...It makes the whole thing feel awkward without the transition to Reservations, which just feels like too much foxtrot. I try to keep my mixes very even.


    I guess I could always go Poor Places > Spiders with the studio versions :-)

  12. It's funny, cause Heroes fans are also bitching that Heroes season 3 sucks.


    Did Heroes ruin Wilco, or did Wilco ruin Heroes?


    P.S. is every Wilco song about relationships these days!?

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