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Posts posted by Jesusetc84

  1. my 10 cents.




    A.M.: "Box Full of Letters"

    Being There: "The Lonely One"

    Mermaid Avenue 1: "California Stars"

    Summerteeth: "How to Fight Loneliness"

    Mermaid Avenue 2: "Airline to Heaven"

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot: "I'm the Man Who Loves You"

    A Ghost is Born: "The Late Greats"

    Sky Blue Sky: "Walken"

    Wilco 7: "Wilco, The Song" (Yes I already think this song is massively overhyped.)




    A.M.: "It's Just That Simple"

    Being There: "Say You Miss Me"

    Mermaid Avenue: "Another Man's Done Gone"

    Summerteeth: "My Darling"

    MA2: "Someday Some Morning Sometime"

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot: "Radio Cure"

    A Ghost is Born: "Wishful Thinking"

    Sky Blue Sky: "Leave Me Like You Found Me"

  2. Can great albums only arise from conflict? Some of my favorite albums (YHF, London Calling, the White Album) were rife with conflicts and tension... or at least some kind of creative rivalry of relatively equal footing (Lennon vs. Macca, Strummer vs. Jones, Jagger vs. Richards, Louris vs. Olson, etc.).


    I almost half-hope there are arguments between Tweedy and Sansone on what keyboard part will end up on the album, and that results in something fractured, tense and exciting musically, but that seems highly unlikely. Maybe these guys love each other TOO much...


    I tend to agree. It just seems like there's no spark. It's like when you're laying in a hammock and there's no reason for you to get up. You're too relaxed.


    Sky Blue Sky was a very going through the motions album to me.

  3. There's a great thread called "Wilco's Non-Album Tracks" pinned at the top of this section. I think he's got everything you listed here, but if you've got any additions, please add to the list! :thumbup



    That doesn't actually list what I'm looking for; that lists rare tracks. Occasionally you'll see single information.


    What I'm looking for is a complete list of Wilco songs that were broken off the record so to speak and sent out as promo singles.



    for example:


    What Light




    Can't Stand It



  4. AGIB is my least favourite Wilco disc, but I agree that it'd make for the most interesting read for all of the above stated reasons. You've got my vote of support!



    Definitely AGIB. We already have about 30 pages on each record pre-2004 in the Kot book, and a dvd about the making of for YHF and AGIB (well the bonus dvd.)

  5. I was just wondering, what songs were released by Wilco as promo singles?





    "Boxful of Letters"

    "I Must Be High"

    "Casino Queen"



    Being There:


    "Outtamind (Outtasight)"


    "Hotel Arizona"



    Summer Teeth:


    "Can't Stand It"

    "A Shot in the Arm"

    "Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway (Again)"


    Mermaid Avenue Vol 2:


    "Secret of the Sea"



    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot:



    "War on War"

    "Jesus, Etc"

    "Heavy Metal Drummer"



    A Ghost is Born:


    "Muzzle of Bees"

    "I'm a Wheel"




    Sky Blue Sky:


    "What Light"





    "The Thanks I Get"

    "One True Vine"


    is that it?

  6. huh, didn't know that. interesting.


    My roommate in college told me that...he was obsessed with the wild west...I never bothered to cross reference it, because I figured he knew his stuff.


    Though I think in the case of Joey and John Wesley, Bob was just trying to write his own take on the "Pretty Boy Floyd" anti-hero type.

  7. joey was a mobster, they're always cool

    as far as ruben carter, i think at the time it seemed unfair but as the years went on it became a little more muddy. also, after dylan & the RTR did that whole campaign to get him out, carter wanted nothing to do with them.



    John Wesley Harding, oddly enough, was completely racist too, and killed way more blacks than William did...but once again, he was a cowboy, which is a cool thing...like a mobster or a boxer...but not like a plantation owner.


    I'm not saying that makes Zantzinger a good person, it's just funny how like...equally bad people can be "cool" under certain circumstances.

  8. Yup - it seems to be at about half the volume of other CDs.

    The thing has always sounded best on cassette, oddly enough. I hope they managed to capture that.

    And - >


    Yeah...the earliest cds that started to sound loud were probably early 90s grunge records. Then by the mid-90s every record was compressed to hell...which doesn't work well on certain music, but on rap I like my bass pounding.

  9. Vibes


    hahaha I know..subtle way of bitching about it.


    In all seriousness, I'm excited. The CD total suffers from 80s CD syndrome; I don't know if it was even really mastered. It's so tinty, and tiny sounding.

  10. I like Jay's songwriting, esp. in combination with Jeff. I also miss his guitar playing. Nels' droning, screeching solos just don't do it for me. I've liked each successive Wilco album less and less since Jay left. Just my opinion.



    Nels isn't a problem to me. I have more problem with Mike's Yanni-esque piano parts which have like no tension at all. Jay had such a great approach to counter-point, and the whole mathematical side of music.


    People love to diss on Jay, and act like he would've ruined the band, but all of his major co-songwriting contributions are among the boards favorite songs; I don't see anyone ever dissing Jesus Etc or Poor Places, yet Jay wrote parts of both of those songs (for Jesus, Etc, basically the whole instrumental part.)


    I'm glad we have AGIB, but SBS was proof to me of how much they've suffered musically since Jay was booted.

  11. What sucks for us non torrent folks who want everything is that at least 30 tracks listed above were only released as either regional radio station compilations, radio promo discs, or downloads that are no longer active, (32 to be exact by my count).


    7 CD singles provide 15 more.


    The Chelsea Walls soundtrack provides 2 more.


    The YHF, Ghost, SBS, and Mermaid bonus E.P.'s give us 18 more (I didn't count "My Thirty Thousand or Bugeyed Jim").



    And finally there are 13 more tracks that are available on 13 different compilations of some sort.



    No wonder people download these.


    72 tracks, a box set is definitely needed.


    Plus, that doesn't even mention the five unreleased tracks I know of (Busy Bee Monkey Mess, Gone, Let's Hear It For Rock, Lets Fight, Millonaire), or the unreleased songs from the YHF demo.


    Jeff also mentioned that they recorded a total of 30 songs for Being There; we only have about 21 I think...maybe 22?


    It seems the average # of outtakes is between 6-12 per record.

  12. I'd honestly like a new element that hasn't been in previous wilco records; every album they add a new element it seems. The Melotrons in Summerteeth, the noise in YHF, guitar jams in AGIB. I dunno?



    I was a little dissapointed when Jeff inferred after AGIB that the band was expirementing with polyrhythms a bit (citing Fela Kuti as a new influence) and that never materialized into a record.


    My biggest hope is that the album doesn't sound like any Wilco record before it, nor any Wilco record after it.

  13. Agreed. The production sounds yucky. I don't just blame the pro tools, it's the way that it was used and mixed. Especially the first track... yuck.


    Otherwise I think the album contains five or six of Wilco's best songs. Nonetheless, AM is the only album below it in my Wilco scale of awesome. A mixed bag indeed.



    Seriously? I think melodically and arrangement wise, it's one of wilco's most consistent albums, if not the most. There's no song on Summerteeth that doesn't knock my socks off.

    If I did my personal top 20 Wilco songs, it'd include about 8 songs from YHF, 6 from Summerteeth and 6 from the other records.


    Of course, I never gave a shit about Country before getting into Wilco, so I have no problem with Summerteeth's arrangements; in fact they're a lot more in tune with what I listen to outside of Wilco (Beatles, Beach Boys, Zombies, Late Velvet Underground, early 80s Elvis Costello) then are most of Wilco's records.

  14. Didn't know where to put this...but I chose this.


    AMG upgraded a couple of albums to 5 star, and Summer Teeth became one of only 4 rock albums since 1998 to get 5 stars from them (and I think one of only like 7 albums period.)



    As a HUGE fan of the album, it was nice to see it get some of the praise that's usually reserved for YHF.

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