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Posts posted by Jesusetc84

  1. you do quite a noteworthy job at underestimating Ryan Adams.

    and this is coming from someone who appreciates, admires and respects most of those other artists you mentioned above.


    i don't know what aspect of this guy you're focusing all your opinions on, but you greatly underestimate him.

    and it's cool. not everyone has to love the guy or even respect him.

    but indifference might just suit you better.


    btw, lose the whole "not anyone YOU'D like" and "you think that because you're a TEENAGER" attitude you seem to have.

    that shit is disgusting. and i'm sure you're a nicer person who doesn't wanna looked upon as an asshole.


    I probably do underestimate him; I couldn't enjoy U2 until I was in college because as a kid I couldn't get passed Bono wankiness. I do let my opinion of the musician color my opinion of their music.


    I guess that was asshole-ish. And I apologize, but when it comes to musical debates I generally go for low blows; I'm a very mellow person about all things except for music. Sometimes I start swinging the axes when a debate comes up.

  2. Solid song-writers, do you work at a small, independent record store? If Adams is not special, why is there a thread every month? Have you ever thought about that?


    I personally think there's a new Ryan Adams thread every month because he makes a spectacle of himself, with goofy crap like the video that this thread was started to discuss. He's an idiot: making fun of artists he's jealous of, leaving angry messages on rock journalists answering machines, pulling publicity stunts like his 11 albums the other year to get himself back in blogs. He'll put out anything he writes because he thinks it's all gold...when really a lot of it is brown, if you know what I mean.


    If he could keep it down to an album every two years picking only the very best of his prolific writing periods, I think I could very well becom a Ryan Adams fan. But every time I see something about him, it's about some stupid bullshit he's pulled this week to get internet publicity.

  3. Jacksonville City Nights is his best release, then Cold Roses. This proves you obviously have no clue about Adams.


    Oh, Tweedy's league? May I ask who else is in this "league"?



    Who do I think is in Tweedy's league? No one you'd like if you're ranting about Ryan Adams.


    But from the past 10 years or so, Jeff Mangum of Neutral Milk Hotel, Elliott Smith (RIP), Lucinda Williams, Thom Yorke and Wayne Coyne come to mind as other songwriter's I respect on the same level as I do Tweedy. Adams doesn't even register for me.


    I think it's kind of sad that we have to have a new Ryan Adams thread every month as I think he's nothing special...but hey, that's the right of the board; freedom of speech. It's also my right to say I think he's a boring, inconsistent artist, who buys into his own hype.


    To quote my father (who stole this from someone else) Ryan Adams is a parrot; he does a whole lot of talking and not a lot of flying.

  4. Folks I love this song but I've been trying to get my head around what it really means any insight?

    Muzzle of Bees



    There's a random painted highway

    And a muzzle of bees

    My sleeves have come unstitched

    From climbing your tree


    And dogs laugh, some say they're barking

    I don't think they're mean

    Some people get so frightened

    Of the fences in between


    And the sun gets passed from tree to tree

    Silently, and back to me

    With the breeze blown through

    Pushed up against the sea

    Finally back to me


    I'm assuming you got my message

    On your machine

    I'm assuming you love me

    And you know what that means


    Sun gets passed, sea to sea

    Silently, and back to me

    With the breeze blown through

    Pushed up above the leaves


    With the breeze blown through

    My head upon your knee

    Half of it's you, half is me

    Half of it's you, half is me



    I always saw this as a follow upto Jeff's uncomfortable domestic sketches from Summer Teeth. To me, it's about comng to grips with the things that once put you off. In retrospect, it seems like the middleground between the violent rejection of such a life "Via Chicago" and the more mellow, acceptance of it in songs like "Either Way".


    Like the lyrics of a lot of my favorite bands (in particular Wilco) I'm not sure every lyric actually fits together into one narrative, but it's still a very compelling impressionistic kind of work.

  5. well a band's longevity isn't always their fault or due to controllable circumstances... so it seems a bit silly to fault some bands because of it.


    as for the Pixies vs. Stones, blasphemy again, but i'd take the 4 proper Pixies records over any Stones record that's not named Sticky Fingers or Let It Be. ;)



    I didn't know the Stones did an album called Let it Be.


    It's okay, I have some blasphemous statements of my own that I hold back, because I'm terrible with criticism.

  6. length of time bands have been around isn't any less of a factor in what makes a band great than album sales, neither really mean shit in the grand scheme.


    i'd rather have a band come in and make a huge impact in a short amount of time (Beatles, Pixies, etc.) than bands who far overstay their welcome (Rolling Stones, The Who, etc.).


    some of my favorite bands/artists of all time only released 1-2 albums.


    and there we disagree; I prefer artists who I enjoy several albums by. Yeah, the Pixies never made an album as bad as some of The Stones worst records, but The Stones had more great records than the Pixies had records period.


    Most of my favorite artists The Beatles, Dylan, Stones, Van, Neil, Bowie, The Boss all have at least 5 records I love by them. The Velvet Underground is probably the only band/ artist with less than 5 records that makes my favorites.


    Marquee Moon is possibly my favorite album of all time; but that doesn't make Television my favorite band. I think it's important to have quality records, but it's also important to have a quantity of quality.

  7. ah the beauty of personal preference :monkey


    taken out of context of the record, there are 2 songs on Funeral that don't stand well on their own (Backseat and Crown of Love), but within the context of the full album they both work well for me. I could take or leave 3 songs on Summerteeth and 1-2 on YHF.


    You can have your own personal opinion...but no monkey face, it scares the other animals.


    I really like Backseat...agree with Crown of Love...I'd also don't care for "Laika" or "Kettles".


    Something about their lyrics (and sometimes their melodies) feels forced to me...


    Wasn't this thread supposed to be about Ryan Adams making fun of Wilco though?

    well, i know it may be blasphemy, but i'd take Funeral over any Wilco record (although YHF & Being There are certainly close), so i don't really care what music fans think of Arcade Fire in 13 years, it's already made a huge impact on me and that's all that matters.


    Wow, that is blasphemy.


    I think Funeral has quite a few clunkers. I'd take at least YHF and Summer Teeth over Funeral.

  8. and Wilco have been around how long compared to The Shins?


    Which is EXACTLY why Wilco is a more well known name imo; they've cemented a reputation over the past 13 years among music fans.


    What will really count is how many people still care about The Shins 13 years after Oh, Inverted World, or will still care about The Arcade Fire 13 years after Funeral.


    The only thing I've agreed with you about thus far are Sonic Youth being a bigger pop culture name than Wilco.

  9. Arcade Fire have sold 3.5 million albums worldwide, it's possible Wilco is ahead of them overall, but they also have a crapload more albums than Arcade Fire too... i didn't claim they had sold more, i said they were close, reading comprehension is a good thing.


    3.5 million? Source?


    Do we have Wilco Worldwide figures?

  10. Wincing The Night Away went Gold, their other 2 records are just shy. the Garden State soundtrack went platinum.


    That's bullshit counting Garden state for The Shins sales, Kyle. You and I both know that doesn't count for them.



    Yankee Hotel's Gold as is Being There.

    AGIB is over 300 units.

    Summer Teeth is at about 275k

    A.M. at about 200k

    Dunno for KT and SBS.


    Wilco's outsold The Shins.

  11. not true... the Flaming Lips have outsold Wilco, and the Shins and Arcade Fire are very close to it. Sonic Youth might have as well, i'd have to double check Soundscan. but they're certainly a more well known name than Wilco and are referenced quite often in pop culture.


    and you're 24, you don't get to pull the age thing, sorry


    The Flaming Lips I MIGHT buy, but somehow I doubt it.


    The Shins HAVE NOT outsold Wilco. Wilco's at 2 million in the U.S. The Shins I doubt have crossed 750k for the U.S.


    The Arcade Fire don't even have a gold record yet, and you're caiming they've outsold them?


    you have access to soundscan, get the figures.

  12. There is no question in my mind that the Shins are more well known than Wilco. Anyone who saw Garden State knows the Shins.


    Eh. It was a reference in Garden State; it wasn't the whole point of Garden State.


    Most people probably just skimmed over that reference and payed it no mind. If it had influenced that many people, The Shins would have gone gold by now, but they haven't last I checked.

  13. I'd still say they aren't as well known as any of those bands in the public opinion, except maybe Sonic Youth. The Arcade Fire were in every single magazine for like a year, the Shins were featured in a very popular movie, and the Flaming Lips have been in alot of commercials and "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots" is a very well known song.


    Wilco is pretty big now, but your average person on the streets doesn't know them.


    I will say they are probably better known than Ryan Adams, but to compare Tweedy to Dylan and say they are highly influential is just wrong. They are like 86th on the list of most influential artists right now. Somewhere between Kelly Clarkson and Good Charlotte in the big scheme of things.


    You bring no statistics to back your point. Just your general "Feeling" of the situation.


    That "feeling" is mostly based on you being a teenager, who mostly knows other teenagers, which is not a big age group for Wilco. I had tons of college professors who were big Wilco fans.


    The statistics show that Wilco has outsold those bands.


    Your view of influential is also idiotic. I'm sorry, I don't like to flame, but have you ever heard of The Velvet Underground? You don't have to sell 50 million records to be influential. They sold about 1 million, and are one of the most influential and important bands EVER.

  14. More people know those bands than Wilco for sure.


    Absoutely not. The statistics just don't support it.


    Sonic Youth and The Flaming Lips have both opened for Wilco because Wilco was the bigger drawing name.


    The Shins and The Arcade Fire are pimples on Wilco's bottom in terms of recognition.


    Maybe in your age group w/ your friends more people know the other bands, but overall Wilco has more fame than those groups and greater sales.

  15. I'd just like to repeat that outside of this board, like nobody in the world even knows who Wilco is.


    Eh, bullshit.


    They've played SNL.

    They've won grammies.

    They've sold 2 million albums in the states.

    Their albums frequently top end of the year lists.

    Their songs are in VW commercials.


    They're not an unknown band...They've outsold many well respected niche artists like Sonic Youth, The Flaming Lips, The Arcade Fire, The Shins, etc etc.

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