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Posts posted by Jesusetc84

  1. New Adventures In Hi-Fi is one of the best albums in the REM catalogue.


    That is all.


    It's decent. I'd still rank Automatic, Murmur, Reckoning, Life's Rich Pageant, and Document over it though.


    granted to me, all of the IRS albums are flawless, save maybe Fables.

  2. I listened to nothing but Bob Dylan for a semester and burned out on him really hard. One time I locked myself in my room with a bottle of jack and his entire 60s output. On a daily basis I was listening to his mid-60s rock trilogy and the outtake songs from those albums (basically an extra albums worth of songs.)


    I just put together a Nirvana Live compilation from bootlegs, and after listening to dozens of hours of bootlegs to find the right choices, I wound up extremely burned out on them this X-mas.


    I'm kind of burned out on David Bowie lately too. I listened to "Young Americans" 196 times in a row...yeaah.

  3. I'm right there with you. I've seen them three times, and will no doubt ante up for this next tour as well. One could also argue the point that the astronomical deal that Warner Bros. showered REM wit after "Out of Time" has contributed to laziness, or some kind of complacency where they simply put out mediocre records, simply to fulfill their contractual obligations.




    I agree.


    Other than a little album called Automatic for the People (which is my favorite by R.E.M.) I think the IRS albums are almost entirely better than the Warner Bros albums.

  4. I updated mine:



    01. Wilco- Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

    02. Radiohead- In Rainbows (2007)

    03. The Microphones- The Glow, Part 2 (2001)

    04. Modest Mouse- The Moon & Antarctica (2000)

    05. Radiohead- Kid A (2000)

    06. Joanna Newsom- Ys (2006)

    07. Antony & The Johnsons- I Am a Bird Now (2005)

    08. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds- Abbatoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus (2004)

    09. Interpol- Turn on The Bright Lights (2002)

    10. OutKast- StanKonia (2000)

    11. Brian Wilson- SMiLE (2004)

    12. Bob Dylan- Love & Theft (2001)

    13. Sufjan Stevens- Illinoise (2005)

    14. The Shins- Chutes Too Narrow (2003)

    15. The Animal Collective- Sung Tongs (2004)

    16. The Streets- Original Pirate Material (2002)

    17. The White Stripes- White Blood Cells (2001)

    18. TV on the Radio- Return to Cookie Mountain (2006)

    19. Andrew Bird- The Mysterious Production of Eggs (2005)

    20. The Flaming Lips- Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (2002)

    21. OutKast- Speakerboxxx/ The Love Below (2003)

    22. The Arcade Fire- Funeral (2004)

    23. Elliott Smith- New Moon (2007)

    24. The Strokes- Is This It (2001)

    25. The National- Boxer (2007)

    26. Radiohead- Amnesiac (2001)

    27. Beck- Sea Change (2002)

    28. M.I.A.- Arular (2005)

    29. M.I.A.- Kala (2007)

    30. Wilco- A Ghost is Born (2004)

    31. Bob Dylan- Modern Times (2006)

    32. Ryan Adams- Heartbreaker (2000)

    33. Spoon- Kill The Moonlight (2002)

    34. The Notwist- Neon Golden (2002)

    35. Radiohead- Hail to the Thief (2003)

    36. The Animal Collective- Feels (2005)

    37. Franz Ferdinand- Franz Ferdinand (2004)

    38. Grand Daddy- The Sophtware Slump (2000)

    39. The New Pornographers- Twin Cinema (2005)

    40. Loretta Lynn- Van Lear Rose (2004)

    41. The Arcade Fire- Neon Bible (2007)

    42. LCD Soundsystem- Sound of Silver (2007)

    43. Iron & Wine- The Creek Drank the Craddle (2002)

    44. Queens of The Stone Age- Songs for the Deaf (2002)

    45. Bob Dylan- Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue (2002)

    46. Godspeed You Black Emperor- Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennaes to Heaven (2000)

    47. P J Harvey- Stories From the City, Stories from the Sea (2000)

    48. Yo La Tengo- And Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out (2000)

    49. Wilco- Kicking Television: Live in Chicago (2005)

    50. Broken Social Scene- You Forgot it in People (2002)


    plus I added favorite singles/songs of 2000-2007:


    01. "Mississippi" by Bob Dylan

    02. "Pyramid Song" by Radiohead

    03. "Ms. Jackson" by OutKast

    04. "Jesus Etc;" by Wilco

    05. "1 2 3 4" by Feist

    06. "3rd Planet" by Modest Mouse

    07. "New Monkey" by Elliott Smith

    08. "You Know You're Right" by Nirvana

    09. "Do You Realize??" by The Flaming Lips

    10. "Rebellion (Lies)" by The Arcade Fire

    11. "Saint Simon" by The Shins

    12. "Bamboo Banga" by M.I.A.

    13. "No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire

    14. "Cherry Chapstick" by Yo La Tengo

    15. "Tonight, I'll Be Staying Here With You" by Bob Dylan (Rolling Thunder version)

    16. "There She Goes, My Beautiful World" by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

    17. "Hard to Explain" by The Strokes

    18. "Hey Ya!" by OutKast

    19. "One With the Freaks" by The Notwist

    20. "The Way We Get By" by Spoon

  5. And that's the point: how the record is heard. I don't think an artist has to be going through a divorce to make a breakup album.


    But the point of the THREAD as stated was the album has to BE about breakup/ divorce.


    THAT was the name of the game. :realmad


    Thus completely going against the thread.


    Michael Jackson's Thriller could be your perfect breakup record...but it doesn't mean it's a breakup record.

  6. This is what seem to be my favorites of the decade so far.


    01. Wilco- Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

    02. Radiohead- In Rainbows (2007)

    03. Radiohead- Kid A (2000)

    04. The Microphones- The Glow, Part 2 (2001)

    05. Antony & The Johnsons- I Am a Bird Now (2005)

    06. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds- Abbatoir Blues/ The Lyre of Orpheus (2004)

    07. Joanna Newsom- Ys (2006)

    08. Brian Wilson- SMiLE (2004)

    09. OutKast- Stankonia (2000)

    10. Bob Dylan- Love & Theft (2001)


    what about you?

  7. "The Moon" by The Microphones

    from the album The Glow, Part 2 (2001, K Records)



    I drove up to the city at night and found the place

    Where you grew up and then where you stayed

    And we walked around and stayed up late under city lights

    I spent the night, next to you in the house where you grew up

    Next to you I miraculously woke up

    In your parents' house I laid in bed with you


    I went back to feel alone there

    I went back to wipe it clean


    I took the lights and radio towers out of my dreams

    And we went all the way up to the small town where I'm from

    With foggy air and the wind and the mountain top

    And we clung to rocks and looked off and you held my hand

    You almost got to start feeling me

    I finally felt like I was breathing free

    Under swaying trees we fell asleep and we had the same dream

    The stars were bright, we dream the same every night

    On my island home I spent some time with you


    I went back to feel alone there

    I went back there by myself

    I gave up on everything that we'd felt


    We found a precious place in the sand right out in the wind

    And we laid under a blanket and heard the furious sound

    The roar of waves, the pounding surf, two bodies on the earth

    It was intense just getting to be there next to you

    And you trying to get me then, and I was happy to let you in


    I went back and wished I hadn't

    I went back and felt regret

    I went to the beach and I stared west


    Every night when the sun went down in the town where we lived

    The empty streets were lit up by reflected light from a distant sun

    Bouncing off a glowing ball of rock and we just laid on the roof

    And watched the moon, the moon, the blue light of the moon

    We didn't talk and silently we both felt powerful

    And, like the moon, my chest was full because we both knew

    We're just floating in space over molten rock

    And we felt safe and we discovered that our skin is soft

    There's nothing left except certain death

    And that was comforting at night out under the moon


    I went out last night to forget that

    I went out and stared it down

    But the moon stared back at me

    And in it's light I saw my two feet on the ground

  8. I'm not excited at all...and this is from someone who counts R.E.M. as their #3 band ever, after The Beatles and The Stones. I don't want high energy R.E.M.; I want weird R.E.M. that underwhelms at first then grows on you, and eventually becomes indispensable. I didn't like Murmur at first, and now it's my favorite record of the 80s. I was underwhelmed by Automatic for the People at first, now it's my favorite record of the 90s.


    Great records don't instantly reveal themselvs..they're murmurs that eventually develop into voices that document an important part of Life's rich pageant. They're definitely not automatic for the people. (I'm sorry, I got on a punning spree and couldn't stop.)


    That being said, I will still give my kidneys to see them and The National on their tour.

  9. Asked for, and received, this for Christmas. It's terrific being able to see it again after all these years.


    Yeah. Great having the complete show too. :thumbup


    Kurt: Any requests?

    Smart ass in the crowd: Jeremy!

    Kurt *looks up*: Fuck you all...this is our last song.

  10. hmmm so many good ones, especially from Summer Teeth, YHF and AGIB:



    01. "What you once were isn't what you want to be anymore."- A Shot in the Arm


    02. "The snipers are harder to see my friends

    hiding in the deep end weeding out your weekend"- Not For the Season


    03. "Last cigarrettes

    are all you can get

    turning your orbit around."- Jesus, Etc


    04. "The ones I dream float like leaves

    and freeze to spread skeleton wings

    I passed through before I knew you"- She's a Jar


    05. "Carelessness is what I miss

    and that's how I think of you."- Cars Can't Escape


    06. "I see us all as something

    but nothing like we truly are."- More Like the Moon


    07. "Is any song worth singing that doesn't help?"-Wishful Thinking


    08. "If rivers burn and then run backwards

    for her that's enough."- New Madrid


    09. "Please Don't Cry

    we were designed to die"- On and On and On


    10. "Can you be where you want to be?"- When You Wake Up Feeling Old

  11. Redoing mine because I'm indecisive:



    01. Radiohead- In Rainbows

    02. The National- Boxer

    03. M.I.A.- Kala

    04. The Arcade Fire- Neon Bible

    05. LCD Soundsystem- Sound of Silver

    06. The Arcade Fire- Neon Bible

    07. Elliott Smith- New Moon

    08. Feist- The Reminder

    09. P J Harvey- White Chalk

    10. Spoon- Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga



    Surprisingly great album of the year: Dinosaur Jr- Beyond

    Most dissapointing album of the year: Wilco- Sky Blue Sky (Not that it was bad, but when a Wilco record doesn't change my life, it falls under "dissapointing".)

    Soundtrack of the year: Various Artists- I'm Not There

    Single of the year: "1 2 3 4" by Feist

    Best posthumous compilation: Elliott Smith- New Moon

    Worst posthumous compilation: Jeff Buckley's Greatest Hits disc.

    Greatest song of the year actually written forty years ago: "I'm Not There" by Bob Dylan & The Band

    Greatest song of the year actually written ten years ago: "New Monkey" by Elliott Smith

    "It's About Fucking time" of the year: Led Zeppelin reunites

    "It's About Fucking time" of the year #2: Nirvana's classic Unplugged concert finally gets a home video release...13 years after the album came out.

  12. When I got West earlier this year, it bored me. Then my Nano broke and I had West in my car CD player for a week - and now it's become one of my favorite CDs of the year. It kinda crept up on me. "If" is probalby my favorite song on it.


    As for "stupid lyrics" --- I think some of the best songs lyrically can look "stupid" typed out without their context (the music, the sincerity of the vocals) behind them, including Jeff's. I always laugh when he rhymes "C" with "sea" in Shot in the Arm.


    So yeah, give West a few more spins.


    - Laura


    but "followed me down the neck to D" is really nice :-).


    I need to check out West...as a guy who lived in Louisiana for his entire adulthood, Car Wheels will always be one of my favorite records ever. I'm incredibly guilty of not having explored Lucinda as an artist beyond that record though.

  13. Richard and Linda Thompson - Shoot Out the Lights


    Edit - Didn't see it in the first post. Greatest break-up album ever.


    I love that album...I think Linda wins the argument with "Did She Jump or Was She Pushed?" and "Walking on the Wire"...but I will always have a special place for "Man in Need"

  14. By breakup/ divorce albums, I don't mean ones you listened too during a breakup...I'm more referring to ones written during breakups divorces in the artists lives.


    I'll start off with the ones I can think of off the top of my head:


    Van Morrison- Veedon Fleece

    Bob Dylan- Blood on The Tracks & Desire

    David Bowie- Low (written during his divorce, among other things.)

    Fleetwood Mac- Rumours

    Richard & Linda Thompson- Shoot Out The Lights

    Beck- Sea Change

  15. Song: "Who Was That Masked Man?"

    Artist: Van Morrison

    Album: Veedon Fleece (1974)



    Oh ain't it lonely

    When you're livin' with a gun

    Well you can't slow down and you can't turn 'round

    And you can't trust anyone


    You just sit there like a butterfly

    And you're all encased in glass

    You're so fragile you just may break

    And you don't know who to ask


    Oh ain't it lonely

    When you're livin' with a gun

    Well you can't slow down and you can't turn 'round

    And you can't trust anyone


    You just sit there like a butterfly

    You're well protected by the glass

    You're such a rare collector's item

    When they throw away what's the trash

    You can hang suspended from a star

    Or wish on a toilet roll

    You can just soak up the atmosphere

    Like a fish inside a bowl


    When the ghost comes round at midnight

    Well you both can have some fun

    He can drive you mad, he can make you sad

    He can keep you from the sun

    When they take him down, he'll be both safe and sound

    And the hand does fit the glove

    And no matter what they tell you,

    There's good and evil in everyone

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