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Posts posted by Jesusetc84

  1. Shake it Off is my new least favorite Wilco song.


    Even though the album as a whole has grown on me, I'd still put it decidedly below any of Wilco's past masterpieces.

  2. I think I had the best Wilco dream ever.



    I was a member of Wilco, in a supermarket with Jeff and Jay, talking about what we were going to do with the new Wilco album. when suddenly...


    Jay: Hey, did I say you could get sprinkles?

    Me: To quote myself...I thought Jeff fired you like last week.


    Then Jeff and I laughed and bought the sprinkles anyway and ate ice cream.


    Best. Dream. Ever.

  3. But how, exactly, has Wilco betrayed their principles? If their principles include a belief in the power of art, they have released a record that reflects their artistic ambitions. If their principles include a belief that their art should be shared with as many listeners as possible, they have utilized manifold marketing tactics that will help make that happen. I don't think those two beliefs are mutually exclusive.


    Now, if their principles also include contempt for capitalism, then you might have a point.


    Wilco has always shyed away from making political statements, including economic ones.


    So I see nothing sell out about this.


    Even if it was a sell out...it wouldn't be like he's selling his soul.


    It's just one sentiment that he's sold to a car company.


    a b-side...an outtake.

  4. I just hope all this selling out will finally get me my dream.


    a complete Wilco action figure set, with the loft. Free Mail order Tony w/ ear piece and cell phone w/ proof of purchase.



    Also...a comic book starring the ex-members of Wilco; they had nothing better to do but form a Super-Hero team.

  5. My hopes:



    "Hotel Arizona"

    "Sunken Treasure"

    "At My Window, Sad & Lonely"

    "She's a Jar"

    "I'm Always in Love"

    "Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway (Again)"

    "Via Chicago"

    "Summer Teeth"

    "When You Wake Up Feeling Old"


    "A Magazine Called Sunset"

    "Wishful Thinking"



    it's also time for the first live performance of Won't Let You Down

  6. From Billboard Magazine 4/21/07:


    A.M. ...........................217,000

    Being There................398,000

    Mermaid Ave.............. 330,000


    Mermaid Ave. II..........156,000

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot...590,000

    A Ghost Is Born...........348,000

    Kicking Television.........114,000 B)


    or about 2,432,000 copies. Plus 100k of SBS...about 2.5 million :-).

  7. Last I checked, the answer was between 1.5 and 2 million in the U.S.



    in 2004 it was:


    A.M.: 200k

    BT: 350k

    ST: 250k

    YHF: 500k

    AGIB: 350k


    or about 1.5 million...if you add MA1 + 2, that number goes upto about 1.9- 2 million.


    I'm sure that number has gone up by at least a couple of hundred thousand since then.



    Worldwide, I have no clue.

  8. You'll get over it. It's just a phase, trust me. At some point, all the things that you

    once found attractive in her will become annoying and grating, like nails on a



    Just give it time.



    Well...I've never even seen her show; I'm just like "Damn, she's hot."


    From what I've heard about her show, I'd probably want to smack her upside the head with a parking meter.

  9. "I'm liberal to a degree,

    but I want everyone to be like me."


    Hey, a good seal clubbing is beautiful...in moderation.


    It's funnier if you put an elephant mask on them before you do it.

  10. Every step of the way, we walk the line

    Your days are numbered, so are mine

    Time is piling up, we struggle and we stray

    We're all boxed in, nowhere to escape


    City's just a jungle, more games to play

    Trapped in the heart of it, tryin' to get away

    I was raised in the country, I been working in the town

    I been in trouble ever since I set my suitcase down


    Got nothing for you, I had nothing before

    Don't even have anything for myself anymore

    Sky full of fire, Pain pouring down

    Nothing you can sell me, I'll see you around


    All my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime

    Could never do you justice in reason or rhyme

    Only one thing I did wrong

    Stayed in Mississippi a day too long


    Well, the devil's in the alley, mule's in the stall

    Say anything you wanna, I have heard it all

    I was thinking about the things that Rosie said

    I was dreaming I was sleeping in Rosie's bed


    Walking through the leaves, falling from the trees

    Feeling like a stranger nobody sees

    So many things that we never will undo

    I know you're sorry, I'm sorry too


    Some people will offer you their hand and some won't

    Last night I knew you, tonight I don't

    I need something strong to distract my mind

    I'm gonna look at you 'til my eyes go blind


    Well I got here following the southern star

    I crossed that river just to be where you are

    Only one thing I did wrong

    Stayed in Mississippi a day too long


    Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast

    I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past

    But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free

    I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me


    Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there

    Everybody's got to move somewhere

    Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow

    Things should start to get interesting right about now


    My clothes are wet, tight on my skin

    Not as tight as the corner that I painted myself in

    I know that fortune is waiting to be kind

    So give me your hand and say you'll be mine


    Well, the emptiness is endless, cold as the clay

    You can always come back, but you can't come back all the way

    Only one thing I did wrong

    Stayed in Mississippi a day too long

  11. AM A

    BT A

    ST B+

    YHF A+

    AGIB A-

    SBS A


    agib is my favorite album despite the grade. i guess i was grading on my personal opinion of consistency.


    How is ST the least consistent Wilco album ::scratches head::...I've always considered it the one most jam packed with quality melodies and lyrics.

  12. So I wrote an amazing song two weeks ago. No, I'm not being immodest; it's an incredible masterpiece. a critically acclaimed masterwork.


    How can I be so sure, you ask?


    Cause I rewrote Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands. :(m


    The melodies are different, and I use different chords, but the basic motion is the same, and both are in 6/8, so I basically have to ditch my song, which is frusterating. I've always been able to write decent music, but nothing to write home about. I thought I had finally done it but...no.


    So have you ever rewritten a song? How many swigs of whiskey did you take afterwards? :beer

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