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Everything posted by ginandcigarettes

  1. Yeah, it's hard to get decribe in an accurate way the nuances of timing using plain text. The slide to the fourth fret, G string starts on the and of 3 but is held through the first beat of the next measure so both notes are sounding on beat 1. The parentheses-ed notes are a second guitar that I didn't feel like writing up a whole new staff for seeing as it's only a couple of notes. If I had the patience I'd do up the whole thing like this for the sake of clarity: Of course, writing this I realized another mistake I made in the second guitar part (the slide in beat 3 of measure 8 an
  2. You are quite welcome. I made a couple of edits to include what Adam2 noticed and a couple of other things that should be double stops. I might make a few more as my ear improves. Cheers
  3. Hmm... that looks weird. Try this: 1..+.....+.....+.....+.....2..+.....+.....+.....+...... e--------------------------|--------------------------| B--------------------------|--3-----------------------| G--------------------------|--2h4---------------------| D--------------------------|--------4-----0-----------| A--0h2---------------0--2--|--------------------2-----| E--------------------------|--------------------------| 3..+.....+.....+.....+.........4..+.....+.....+.....+...... e------------------------------|--------------------------| B--3---------------------------|-----------
  4. That's about all we came up with: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=22109
  5. Ha. It's misspelled in the post as "Bennet".
  6. If there are I don't know about it. I transcribed this from Corduroy Cutoff Girl and I have the feeling that I threw it into Power Tab and played it concurrently with Intrumental 2 and it didn't sound like there was a key difference (though it did reveal a wrong note that I am too lazy to fix).
  7. Drat. I have plans. In solidarity, I will contribute to the slow destruction of my liver.
  8. Isn't it the same as this? Corduroy Cut-Off Girl
  9. I will point out that this guy is in a relationship and is ostensibly happy. That should be tip off number one that this is not me.
  10. What the name? He has a myspace page with some new songs from his forthcoming album. I like them a lot. We're myspace friends.
  11. I can't claim credit for the name. It was a finalist for the name of the band that became Wilco.
  12. Meh, why not? YHF ST BT MA2 KT AGIB MA1 AM Though I'm really only positive about the first two and the last one.
  13. Oh, I'm so lonely, I just want attention. And, you know, general worship.
  14. Thanks, John. I'm surprised no one has commented about the first joke in my tab. Audience: That's because it really wasn't that funny. Ah, yes.
  15. Don't mind if I do. I tend to think that Jay was perfect for rock Wilco but I can't imagine him fitting in with new Wilco. Though, he would go a long way towards giving "Is That the Thanks I Get" the groove supply it so desperately needs. Um, when did MunkyKayse get so hot? I'm totally in love now.
  16. Yeah, I think you can play it with a capo on 5 and WITHOUT dropping the D. Here's my go at it: 1..+.....+.....+.....+.....2..+.....+.....+.....+.....3..+.....+.....+.....+.....4..+.....+.....+.....+...... a--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------| E--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------| C-----------0-----------0--|--------------------------|-----------0-----------0--|--------------------------| G--------2-----------2-----|--------------------------|---
  17. I used to think that was why my girlfriend dumped me, but now I think that I'm just not that fun or attractive or interesting. My job also kinda sucks and I'm pretty whiny. Also, I think I spend to much time transcribing Wilco songs. Meh, stay tuned.
  18. Bow anyway despite the complete lack of objective reasons to do so!
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