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Everything posted by ginandcigarettes

  1. I caught him at a small club in 2007 and snagged this pick of his pedals: That's: Boss Chromatic Tuner MXR Micro Amp (clean boost) MXR Blue Box (fuzz with octave) I'm pretty sure that when I saw him a few years before that, he had the same pedals minus the Blue Box. Of course, this was during his solo years; I have no idea what he used in Wilco.
  2. Luckily, I write most of my tab posts in Word and then copy and paste them in the forum, so I have copies of stuff I did (though I don't know if anyone corrected anything as I didn't update the Word file as the topic progressed). Anyhoo, here's what I tabbed for Someday, Some Morning, Sometime: Hmmm... I think when I play it now, I strum a lot more things and generally play more notes. Eh. Play what you like.
  3. Ha. I have a Delta Blues (2x10, though) and a Roland Jazz Chorus. My friend has a Classic 50 and a Silverface Champ. I guess we like value. I wonder why the Fender Pro Junior isn't there. Oh well, I guess not everyone is as sold on them as I am (or there just has to be an end to a list).
  4. God, this hit me like a brick. I don't know what I was expecting to hear about the cause of death, but whatever reason this particular news really depressed me. I guess because it means that he was in pain, and I can't stand the idea. I don't know if this was mentioned, but right when Summerteeth was released, Jay and Jeff did a DJ session at KCRW in Santa Monica, California, in advance of their show there. They played a bunch of songs, some that influenced Summerteeth, and some they just liked. One of the songs was Elvis Costello's "Sleep of the Just" and Jay joked that he sings the song to
  5. I think it's a Electro Harmonix 16-second digital delay. Not the new reissue (which really only borrows the name), but the vintage model.
  6. Good catch, but I don't think it's THAT new of a trick for Jeff (though it is unusual that there are so many on this album). Just off the top of my head: I Got You Say You Miss Me Poor Places We're Just Friends Someday Soon Hummingbird Either Way All contain the bVI. It's a pretty poppy move. Therefore, I like it.
  7. God, this is awful. RIP Jay. Thank you so much for everything you've given me.
  8. So, there's been a bunch of discussion of Jay, his medical and legal issues, and his contribution to the band. Of these three things I will say three things: (1) I hope Jay has a speedy recovery (2) I hope everyone involved gets everything that they deserve and nothing that they don't deserve (3) Jay might've been my favorite thing about Wilco's sound I mean, beyond the discussion of Jay's contribution to the songwriting, I think he had a wonderful gift of crafting instrumental parts that were instantly recognizable, melodic, and catchy (I think that Wilco to some extent is still capable
  9. Hmmm... the responses so far have either been really helpful for a beginner trying to learn this song, or they have been the least helpful things ever posted, mostly for the same reasons. If you're not sure how to work the hammer-ons into a song, then the noting that there should be hammer-ons is somewhat confusing. However, beginners should learn to train their ears and develop a sense for how simple ideas repeat themselves in lots of songs and (most importantly) learn to trust their own taste, so saying "do some hammer-ons" is actually encouraging and can lessen intimidation. Still, I cou
  10. I dunno if there's going to be a Mermaid 3, and I really don't know if this song would be on it as the words and melody was written by Woody and the other Mermaids were Wilco putting Woody's words to their own melodies. Anyway, that is no matter. Welcome to Via Chicago! Let's the get started on the right foot and tab out that song for you. I only did the first verse because, well, they're all the same (and I'm too lazy to write down words, anyway). [G] My [G]name is Tom Cranker And [C]I
  11. I don't get this anti-Pitchfork attitude. Like any review site, they review things so you don't have to buy everything that ever existed to find things you like. If they give things high marks that you think are awful, maybe Pitchfork is not for you. If they give things low marks that you think are manifestations of god on earth, then maybe Pitchfork is not for you. I tend to find that Pitchfork matches my taste most of the time and so when they give something a high mark and it sounds like something I would like, I go buy it. I discovered the New Pornographers and Destroyer that way. Of cours
  12. Try this: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=857342 There's a lot of talk before that and some mistakes were made, but I think that's the final(ish) version of the tab (I linked directly to it to avoid confusion). I hope this helps.
  13. No. Jay's not asking to be paid for things written while he wasn't in the band, but when Summerteeth sells another copy next year, he wants to be paid for that, too.
  14. Yeah, the venue owner has to pay for the songs performed that aren't owned by the performers. I think there's a deal where they just pay into a fund and it gets distributed to songwriters based on the relative popularity of the songs (or something like that).
  15. Somehow I thought that this was somewhat old news. Not the lawsuit part of it, but that Jay has been saying for a while that he was not properly compensated for his work. I don't know what the statute of limitations is, but it might be that Jay's suing in order to get in under the wire and essentially buy time (since once you file suit, there's really no limit to how long the process takes).
  16. It might depend on what counts as a member, but they had a good run between MA, ST, and MA2 with Jeff, Jay, Ken, and John. Bob Egan was pretty much out of the band during MA even though he appears on it. And while Leroy was on ST and MA2, I'm not sure he was a full member until YHF. That is, Bob is a guest on MA (like [shudder] Natalie Merchant) and Leroy is a guest on ST and MA2, so it's the same lineup on all three records. That seems like a good enough story. Yeah, I'm going with that.
  17. I'd probably keep the entirety of Disc 1 save for What's The World Got In Store and Hotel Arizona. Then add in Sunken Treasure, Someone Else's Song (it's weaker, but thematically important), and the Lonely 1 from the second disc.
  18. How about their position on this chart? Sky Blue Sky A Ghost Is Born Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Kicking Television Being There Summerteeth Mermaid Avenue II Mermaid Avenue A.M.
  19. Hmmm... How about: A.M. Being There, Summerteeth (tie) Sky Blue Sky Mermaid Avenue A Ghost is Born Mermaid Avenue II, Wilco (the Album) (tie) Kicking Television Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
  20. Wait, wait, I think I FINALLY get the problem: A.M. Being There Ghost is Born, A Kicking Television Mermaid Avenue Mermaid Avenue II Sky Blue Sky Summerteeth Wilco the Album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot There!
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