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Posts posted by ginandcigarettes

  1. I think this is our setlist:


    California Stars

    Far, Far Away

    Forget the Flowers

    Hell is Chrome

    How to Fight Loneliness

    I Got You

    Jesus Etc.


    Passenger Side

    Red Eyed and Blue



    Via Chicago


    We could probably take a few more if anyone wants to add anything. Let us know soon because we're just about a week away!

  2. Okay, we've set a date of Saturday, October 4th at 10:00, place to be determined.


    Thanks everybody! We'll have loads of guitarists, some keys, a bass to play, and a drummer to drum, so there's some chance that we'll sound a little like our favorite band. At the very least, there will be much rocking out. So let me know if you're interested in jamming so I can make sure you can be part of the planning.


    I can't wait!




  3. We have a date!


    Saturday, October 4th at 10:00.


    The exact time might change depending on the hours of operation for the place we pick (speaking of which, we need to pick a place), but thank you to everyone who put up with my bureaucratic date polling!


    Also, sorry to the people who couldn't make the date we selected. I did my best. We'll miss you and we hope that your schedules clear up.


    So, we just need to pick a place and settle on a set list. It looks like we'll have a bass to play and a drummer to drum so we're in good shape!

  4. I know Unwelcome Guest isn't the hardest of Wilco songs but I was wondering if anyone had that tab or chords handy. I wasn't able to come up with anything using the search tool.




    First off, welcome!


    You can find a lot of tabs on the Gumbo Pages (some more accurate than others): The Gumbo Pages


    This one's from there (and it looks pretty good to me):


    The Unwelcome Guest
    Words by Woody Guthrie 1940
    Music by Billy Bragg 1996
    Transcription by Howie Wang <howie_wang@hotmail.com>
       C				 am	   F			C
    To the rich man's bright lodges I ride in this wind
    C				  am		  D		   G
    On my good horse I call you my shiny Black Bess
       C			am
    To the playhouse of fortune
      F			   C
    to take the bright silver
    C			 am		 F		C
    and gold you have taken from somebody else
    C		am			F		  C
    and as we go riding in the damp foggy midnight 
    C			  am			D			G
    you snort, my good pony, and you give me your best
    	C		   am		 F  
    for you know, and I know, good horse,
    'monst the rich ones
    C		  am		  F		 C
    how oftimes we go there an unwelcome guest
     C		  am			F		  C
    I've never took food from the widows and orphans
    C	   am		   D	 G
    and never a hard working man I oppressed
      C			  am
    so take your pace easy,
    F			  C
    for home soon like lightning
      C			am		 F		   F
    we soon will be riding, my shiny black Bess
      C			  am	   F		C
    no fat rich man's pony can ever overtake you
    C			 am			 D		   G
    and there's not a rider from the east to the west
      C		  am
    could hold you a light 
    	F			 C  
    in this dark mist and midnight
    	 C		  am
    when the potbellied thieves 
    	  F		 C
    chase the unwelcome guest
    C				 am			   
    I don't know good horse
      F			C
    as we trot in this dark here
     C		   am		  D			G
    that robbing the rich is for worse or for best
     C		  am		   F		 C
    they take it by stealing and lying and gambling
    C			am	  F		   C
    and I take it my way, my shiny Black Bess
     C			am		   F		   C
    I treat horses good and I'm friendly to strangers
     C			 am			   D			 G
    I ride and your running makes my guns talk the best
    	C		   am		   
    and the rangers and deputies
    F			C
    are hired by the rich man 
      C			am		  F			 C
    to catch me and hang me, my shining Black Bess
     C				am		  F
    Yes, they'll catch me napping one day
    and they'll kill me
    C			am			D		   G
    and then I'll be gone but that won't be my end
       C		   am		  F		 C
    For my guns and my saddle will always be filled
      C		 am			 F		   C
    by unwelcome travellers and other brave men
    		C		am		F			  C
    and they'll take the money and spread it out equal
    C			 am			D		G	   
    Just like the bible and the prophets suggest
    	C		   am		F			   C
    but the men that go riding to help these poor workers
    C			 am		   F		 C
    the rich will cut down like an unwelcome guest


    I hope this helps.

  5. I've got the chords, but the search option is not working out for finding the threads with Far, Far Away in them. Anyone have the solo? Thanks!


    Here's the original post: Far, Far Away Solo


    And here's the tab:


    Hmm... that looks weird. Try this:

































































    Notes in parentheses are a second guitar. I might make changes later but this will get you started on the right track.


    Let me know if any of this isn't clear.



  6. Okay, I've sent the date poll via meeting wizard, so if you sent me your email address, you should be getting a link to a site where you can indicate your availability. If you didn't receive the email, let me know so I can add you.


    Let me know if you have problems with the site. Also, the times are approximate, essentially I just want to know your availability for a morning or afternoon/evening jam -- I figure we'll just rent space for several hours and people can show up when they want within that time.


    Okay, I'll keep everyone posted as the responses come in.



  7. I work near there and have drive by it a ton of times, but have never been inside. From their website, they seem pretty cool. I have zero experience with booking hourly rehearsal rooms -- how is the availability? Do we need to do it (far) in advance?


    I've been there twice and the rehearsal rooms were pretty good. Everything seemed in good repair the common room was quite comfy. Getting a space didn't seem a problem. I think the second time we got a space we couldn't have given more than a few days notice (they have a lot of rooms). The first time we went through our scheduled time and then paid for another hour in that room and got it on the spot. My only complaint is that the parking is not so great. There's a parking lot, but I've never seen it not full. There's plenty of street parking, but the free stuff is not that near.


    I think it really depends on the day we choose as far as availability. There will always be rooms available, but we'll want a specific (big) one so we don't feel crowded. I don't think it'll be a problem as long as we get it at least week in advance (and that's still a good margin of safety).


    Okay, everybody's sent me their email so expect a date poll soon (like maybe tonight). To all the lurkers out there, it's time to stop lurking if you want a say in when we're going to have the jam (or at least PM me with your email address).

  8. I'm cool with any one of those. There also Amp Rehearsal in North Hollywood. The one in West LA is cool with me. What about parking at these locations?


    I like AMP. I think I didn't mention it because the parking isn't that great; the lot fills up pretty quick (or have I just missed the real lot?). Of course, the lot at West LA isn't too great, either. I could definitely go for AMP if that works (it's definitely among the least opium-den-like). Actually, it might be a really good choice.


    The Bombshelter has pretty good parking as I remember -- even when it's packed, the complex is so big that there's parking somewhere.


    Where is everybody coming from? I live in Mid City, LA (just south of LACMA and the Grove). Usually on the weekends, it's not hard to get across town for me.

  9. Pretty damn good. I got a job at Argentum Photo Lab in Hollywood, which is really awesome. I volunteered at the F Yeah Fest last weekend, which was alot of fun. All in all I'm enjoying it. Its kind of bittersweet that I'm heading off to New Hampshire in January for a 10 month internship because I really enjoy it here.


    Wow, that's pretty rad. I totally missed the F Yeah Fest this year. How was it? Anyway, I'm glad we found you. Check out the setlist suggestions on the SST thread and add some more if you like. We'll be figuring out a date and time soon, so we can make sure that as many people can jam as possible.

  10. Um...I think I'm ready.


    Great! So, I guess we're ready to start thinking about dates and times.


    IMPORTANT! Everyone should PM me, email me (ginandcigarettes@yahoo.com), or post their email addresses so I can use Meeting Wizard to schedule a date for the Jam. Why? Because I live in a cubicle working on TPS reports, and because, despite being desperately un-rock-and-roll, Meeting Wizard is remarkably effective in juggling people's schedules. Plus, you don't have to sign up for anything; I just need a place where I can send your invitation.


    Essentially, Meeting Wizard will send you a webpage with a bunch of proposed dates and times and you just have to click which ones you're available for. Then, when everyone has responded, we can see that some times don't work for hardly anyone and a few work for most people, and we can pick the final date from those. That way we can avoid having to email back and forth for seven weeks to get a date that works.


    Also, I have three places in mind for a location, all of which I've been to and all of which are less opium-den-like than other rehearsal studios I've visited:


    West LA Rehearsal Studios -- right off the 405 in West LA

    Bombshelter Rehearsal Studios -- near the 22 in the OC (warning: website has annoying music)

    Nightingale Studios -- in Burbank (warning, website makes no sense)


    I'm open to other places, so if you have a preference, please post!


    I think that's it for now.

  11. Here's the suggestions so far for a setlist:


    California Stars

    Far, Far Away

    Forget the Flowers

    I Got You

    Jesus Etc.


    Passenger Side




    There's still room for more songs, so post or PM me your preferences. It looks like we'll have a bass, piano, and a Hammond B3 (um, yeah, those last two will be totally digital) in addition to the guitars so there will be a good palette to play with. There'll also be a Mellotron (um, again, digital) so y'all can add more Summerteeth songs to the setlist.


    We haven't set the date yet because we're waiting for you. :wub

  12. Over in Solid State Technology we're making plans for a bunch of us in the LA/OC/SB area to get together and play some Wilco songs:


    Southern California Wilco Jam


    We'll pick songs, set up a time, rent a rehearsal space, and rock out.


    We just thought we'd post a notice here, too, in case SST is a little too geeky for you all to frequent. We've got a lot of people interested (but we always want more), and we're just starting to pick out a set list, so come on over and help us jam. We've got keyboards, guitars, and basses, but we don't have you! :wub


    (Also, there will be snacks.)


    (Yes, the snacks will be free.)


    (No, I don't know the type of snacks you like.)


    (That's why you have to post so I know to get your snacks.)


    (I highly doubt your favorite snack is Filet Mignon -- I don't really think that's a snack.)

  13. damn so far away...best i can do is jam out here and be there in spirit


    We'll be jamming with you in spirit, too. Actually, I was hoping that if this SoCal jam is successul (i.e. no one loses a finger or an eye), then it might encourage people to organize other, similar jams in their towns (the safety of which, however, I cannot guarantee*) so we can all jam together in spirit.


    * Not that I guarantee the safety of the SoCal jam -- it's highly likely that someone with lose a finger or an eye. :pirate

  14. That's what I have. It's awesome. It's only 22 watts, but it cranks out some volume.


    A lot pf people love the Peavey Classic 30. That was on my short list when i was looking for amps, but I never found a used one.


    A 2X12 amp might be harder to find. Unless I'm mistaken, everything that's been mentioned so far is 1X12 (except maybe the THD...I'm not familiar with those). The fender hot rod series has a 4X10 that sounds great, but it's kind of large.


    I forgot about the Classic 30. Great Amp. It's got the EL84 power tubes giving it a slightly different character (more Vox-y) than the rounder Fenders.


    The Classic 50 is a 2x12 and one of the Hot Rods is a 2x12.


    All the overdrive channels are kinda lacking in these amps, but the clean channels are quite nice. I have the DRRI also. Most of the time I love it.

  15. I used to dislike them, but I've since become impressed with Fender's Hot Rod series -- just good, solid amps. You might also look at the Deluxe Reverb Reissue and the Vox AC15 (or wait a while and save up for an AC30 -- only get the Celestion Blue versions).

  16. Ah, the mythic 'click'. The tick you're hearing is the Electro imitation of a phenomena in the original B3 -- when the key contacts came close together (as when they are being pressed) they would create electrical arcs, which are heard as an audible click. This is actually considered to be part of the authentic B3 experience and something that clonewheels try to imitate.


    (You probably don't hear it too much on recordings of B3s because the click, like guitar hum, is mostly lost in the mix of instruments. Also, use of the B3's volume pedal to swell into notes tends to duck the click. Still, if you listen to some solo B3, you'll pick out the key click.)


    Even though all the clones try to reproduce key click, early versions of the Electro were criticized because they kinda went overboard and the click was super loud. So later versions of the Electro made that parameter adjustable. You might not be able to eliminate it completely, but you should be able to reduce the volume of the click. Find your manual or download it online and find the key click parameter; reduce to your taste.


    (Also, check to make sure that the sound you're hearing is the key click and not the percussion, which you can turn on and off.)


    The next piece is to get yourself a expression pedal and work on volume swells for proper swell-iness.


    I hope this helps.

  17. nothing?

    well here's another question:


    Is 600ms 'enough' delay?

    Will that give you just enough for slapback delay, or can that give you some spacey effects as well? i.e - pink floyd....



    I've never heard the Red Repeat but I'm a big fan of the Carl Martin effects that I have heard (and own). To fake an answer to your follow-up question, slapback delay is around 100ms so you've got some headroom with 600ms. 600 max is shorter than a lot of digital delays but longer than some other analog pedals (I don't know how the Red Repeat makes its delay). But, once you get beyond slapback, the delay time doesn't matter as much as the repeats for spacey, atmospheric stuff.


    Keep in mind that 600 ms is about twice a second, so pull out your watch and say "beep" two times a second and see if that's slow enough for you (alternately, set your metronome for 100 bpm).


    I hope this helps.

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