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Everything posted by mybenito

  1. That is exactly what I'm suggestingand the evidence is that her teenage daughter got pregnant while her pro-life mom was ignoring her parental duties being the Governor. Bad career choice for a mom who chose to have so many kids. She obviously bit of more than she can chew.
  2. The fact that Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant fits the typical GOP profile. They care so much about the baby before it's born but do little once it is. Palin has way to many kids for a job as school principle let alone Governor (especially Vice. Prez). Her daughter is 5 monthes pregnant and Palin has been Governor for little over 1 year. Maybe if Palin had been home with her family instead of supporting big oil, then maybe her daughter wouldn't be pregnant. Having that many kids means you have to make sacrifices to be there for every one of them. Instead she chose a high profile car
  3. Not if McCain & Palin can help it.
  4. Palin Abused Her Power as Alaskan Gov
  5. The Wood Brothers - Loaded Gnarls Barkley Tin Bluhm - House of Bluhm Malkmus
  6. It seemed Tweedy wanted to play a two hour set also. Near the end he made a comment about running out of time when the fun was just getting started.
  7. In San Francisco not knowing the scoop is half the fun.
  8. Shake It Off gets me pretty pumped up.
  9. Well I guess it's good to know it's not just me and the site still exists.
  10. Phelps Article Eminem, Lil Wayne, Young Jeezy....
  11. Of all the foods and beverages I think nothing can top the smell of freshly ground espresso beans. I look forward to grinding beans before I go to bed. I guess I can sleep better now that I know it's healthy for me.
  12. Brian Wilson=Rock God Neil Young=Not Rock God I don't get it?
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