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Attack With Love

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Posts posted by Attack With Love

  1. What an amazing night :rock


    Thank you so much to Edie for hosting the show and, of course, for Sue and Jeff for coming and playing and socializing, etc.


    I didn't write the setlist down but here are a couple of highlights from my fuzzy memory...


    Blasting Fonda

    Cars Can't Escape



    Airline to Heaven



    Gun :dancing



    Forget the Flowers


    Shot in the Arm

    Family Gardener


    I know there were many more...anyone? anyone?


    did you forget pieholden suite ?!?!? and acuff-rose!!!!!! radioking!

  2. i know what you speak of but here is mine:

    Some nights I thirst for real blood, for real knives, for real cries. And then the flash of steel from real guns in real life really fills my mind. Then I really miss what really did exist when I held your throat so tight. And I miss the bus as it swerved from us and almost came crashing to its side. Sometimes the blood from real cuts feels real nice when it's really mine. And if you want it to be real, come over for a night, we can really, really climb, and those blue bridge lights might really burn most bright while we watch that dark lake rise. And if you really want to see what really matters most to me, we can just take a real short drive. Just a drive into the dark stretch, long stretch of night, will really stretch this shaking mind. And this room, unlit, unheated, and the ceiling striped, and the dark black blinds.... I want to know this time if you

  3. Hey Erin - more points owed here ... :lol


    At this show, I believe both Jen AND I were closer to the stage than bbop ... B) ... I'm pretty sure that's him holding a beer in his hand in the first section of the lower balcony. :yes


    Jen and I were in row 2 at the red X, just missed the shot. I, too, am filled with joy about that!





    Zoran Orlic's site


    hahah i know that's him because we were sitting in the box directly across on the other side, except...wait...ONE box further back! i can't win at paul's little games! except, it is true we were in front of him and samorama at the decemberists! samorama can attest for that, as can morgan. but wendy, jst because i love you so much you get a bazillion points, and then more when i get to see you next tuesday!!! wooohoooooooo! ps tell jen to bring my rogue wave poster, otherwise she's never getting her pen back! mwahahah (sorry, it's late, i'm tired, i'm procrastinating)

  4. Hey, I was standing in front of him at the Wrens!


    well, 6 points for yoU! and since i thought that was seemingly impossible when i made the unofficial rule, and you so swiftly and seemlessly proved me wrong, you get 10, maybe 15 points in my book (but only because it's the holidays ;))

  5. oh no!! i have 2 or so but i can't decrease the size of the images!!! i have one from intonation music fest and one in line for wilco at the vic. i'll have to see if i can find a way to post 'em...

  6. 9643.jpg


    No, I'm not a slow reader - I'm reading it again (third time). It's that good.


    i read The Neon Bible a little while back and it's the only thing i've read by toole. is this one a good book to read after that?


    just started:


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