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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Guess you didn't notice my fingers dripping with sarcasm.
  2. Big surprise: Those pointy-headed intellectuals at the Pentagon's National Defense University are praying to their pagan gods for defeat in Iraq. Pentagon institute calls Iraq war 'a major debacle' with outcome 'in doubt' By Jonathan S. Landay and John Walcott, McClatchy Newspapers Thu Apr 17, 8:38 PM ET WASHINGTON
  3. Jimmy Dowd's still playing? I covered him at Brick High School like 22 years ago.
  4. Haven't listened to it, but I know I'll hate it, just on general principles.
  5. Formulated to repel everyone. I kinda like it. here.
  6. If a pin decides this election, then we'll get what we deserve, just like in '04. This is the kind of stuff you worry about when things are going great, or when things are going so bad you don't know where to start.
  7. My granddad came over from Scotland in the 20s and lived in a Philadelphia boarding house with a bunch of Phillies, who taught him about baseball (as well as they could - the Phils were notoriously awful, poor relations to the periodically awesome Mackmen).
  8. I'm waiting for this guy to tell me how things are in small towns.
  9. And now, a word from the bitter voters (apparently on break from shooting immigrants in the name of Baby Jesus).
  10. Bottom line is that he handed Hillary a bullshit football that she can run with for the next couple of weeks.
  11. My advice to Obama: Dance with who brung ya: "ChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeCha ngeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChang e ChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeCh a ngeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChang e ChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeCh a ngeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChang e ChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeChangeC
  12. I felt a little of this during the Wright thing, where he charactorized the Rev. as an uncle who says wacky things once in a while but you still love him. I think for many religious folks the preacher is held to higher standards as a spiritual leader, not one to be taken with a grain of salt and rolled eyes. That indicates at best a condescending attitude toward the church - which is fine, but might not go over well with the electorate.
  13. The biggest problem with the statement is where he says that beaten down folks cling to religion. Some might consider that close to calling religion the opiate of the masses. Also he's lumping religion with guns and xenophobia. I can see where religious folks would have a problem with this.
  14. You're referring to the inflatable penis, I'm guessing. The episode was fine, but it was hardly something that will bring me back for more, pretty much everyone going through their paces. Think I'm signing off, for now.
  15. It was at the City Center Theater in New York. Went up with my friends Jimmy (his birthday) and Steve and their parents. Before the show we visited the top of this:
  16. Not to brag, but I saw No. 1 live in 1976.
  17. Maybe his political views shaded my opinion, but I always found him kind of heavy-handed as an actor. Perhaps he was the last of the Cecil B. DeMille type actor, with an epic style for epic roles. I once heard that he was Billy Wilder's first pick for Sefton (the Bill Holden role) in Stalag 17, which might have been overbearing ("Damn dirty Nazis!!!"). Anyway, sorry if the top post came off as flippant - that goes back to my Howard Stern days. And feel free to be flippant when I kick it.
  18. And now she's making a movie directed by Julie Stiles! They're just pushing all the buttons! (Zooey sings in this, too.)
  19. Joe Pass on anything Blind Joe Death on Desperate Man Blues Townes Van Zandt on No Place To Fall
  20. 5th-grader finds mistake at Smithsonian Wed Apr 2, 5:54 PM ET ALLEGAN, Mich. - Is fifth-grader Kenton Stufflebeam smarter than the Smithsonian? The 11-year-old boy, who lives in Allegan but attends Alamo Elementary School near Kalamazoo, went with his family during winter break to the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History in Washington. Since it opened in 1981, millions of people have paraded past the museum's Tower of Time, a display involving prehistoric time. Not one visitor had reported anything amiss with the exhibit until Kenton noticed that a notation, in bold
  21. tugmoose

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