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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. He may have saved Rock & Roll, but he couldn't save John Kerry. I had a chance to see Bruce at the Spectrum in 78, but I had a kinda punk attitude ("No I don't wanna see Bruce F-in' Springsteen"). Something tells me if I had gone I woulda been smirking the whole show at all the people who thought they were having a good time. I definitely needed a good ass kicking back then.
  2. at least that's what they said.
  3. Might be time to give Chevy another shot.
  4. Here's your problem: topic line should read "How do you dispose of your roommate's body?"
  5. 's Zooey in her Goth stage last fall. Notice how she melts your heart while at the same time managing to keep the microphone from running off. And at no time do her hands leave her arms. I'm cute when I tease, right? I should learn to play guitar.
  6. Mitch Albom on the Colbert Report. Hey, Mitch, you're in your 50s. Time for a real hair cut.
  7. I know I'm posting wwwwwwwaaaayyyyy too much here, but check out how uncomfortable M. is at the end of the show. He looks like the kid in Risky Business when the hooker sits down next to him. Here, too. Here's a place to take your S&H love. I'm member No. 3 - everyone after that missed it when they were really good.
  8. Here's a bunch of pictures from the Webster Hall show. Apparently Zooey held up signs in lieu of banter to preserve her voice, which gave out the day before. She's lucky she's so adorable or this adorable stuff would be just too adorable.
  9. They're starting to call him "McSame" - wow, how clever. Can't wait for their other new ideas. Clinton derangee Andrew Sullivan sums things up nicely here. "After this presidency, after eight years of war and debt and torture and deceit and cynicism, to see the Democratic party self-destruct is really something. They were given a chance to remake the country and regain their soul; and the Clintons could not bear it if they were not the vehicles for such a shift. I don't believe anyone in the Democratic party can or will stop them. This is a kamikaze mission."
  10. Guy Clark singing "To Live Is To Fly" on the ACL TVZ tribute.
  11. Gotta remember, though, that 99.99999% of bands that get to the Conan appearance/national act level have years if not decades of road work under their belts. They've learned that survival = selling the song.
  12. Here's the video. I love love love the CD to death, but here you can almost hear her thinking "Remember to smile!" Zooey loosened up considerably between the Parish show and the Press Here show in Austin, but she's got a ways to go connecting with the audience. Like Jason Lee described his duties as Stillwater frontman in "Almost Famous" - one of her movies: "I focus on the one guy who's not getting off and I make him get off!" Merge is streaming the whole album here.
  13. Yeah, I know a lot of folks really dig him. I downloaded the show and was kind of passively half-listening, and when he joined in, I found myself getting annoyed, same reaction I had in Austin.
  14. "Rainbow Connection" made me cry. Of course, I am THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PUSSY.
  15. Yeah, Jim James did bug me when he joined M.Ward's set and gradually took over at SXSW. I truly do not get him. If your gonna sing with M., you better look like Neko or Zooey.
  16. Have to admit I can't really judge to performance as my ears are still ringing from Okkervil River/New Porns which let out a couple hours ago.
  17. Looked like Z got the message to show more personality, so she had this kind of pasted smile on her face when she wasn't singing. Not phony, just not very natural.
  18. I love Bill waggin' that same finger at the camera. I voted for Clinton once in 92. Never, never again.
  19. Good news for someone, I guess . . . Michael Moore endorses Obama, chides Clinton LOS ANGELES (AP)
  20. Awkward . . . After her conversation with Angelou, Clinton took three questions from the audience. The crowd was audibly stunned by one of them. "I love you, Hillary. I always have, I always will," said a woman in the first row. That drew approving cheers. But then she brought up the most taboo of all taboos at Clinton campaign events. "I felt so sorry for you when Bill had his affair," the woman said. "I think the best way to overcome it is to become president." She then quickly asked a question about whom Clinton would choose as a running mate. As the audience murmured in shock, Clinton s
  21. Bush appears on 'Deal' to thank a contestant (and war vet) Fri Apr 18, 8:02 PM ET NEW YORK - A presidential thank-you is part of the deal for a contestant on NBC's game show, "Deal or No Deal," when President Bush makes a surprise appearance. The episode, airing Monday, features Capt. Joseph Kobes, as he attempts to win enough cash to pay off his parents' home. But the dealmaking is briefly halted for Kobes, a Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient who has served in Iraq three times. Bush surprises him by appearing on a screen to express gratitude for his service and wish him luck in the g
  22. The "pagan gods" part was a mite over the top.
  23. Their mascot being . . . a pile of bullshit?
  24. To paraphrase Linus Van Pelt: I love America. It's Americans I can't stand.
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