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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Thanks for all the advice. After rolling through Sears, BB, Target, etc., I took the plunge with this. Might have gone with a 37'' if they offered it in this model - 40'' would have been too much money and size.
  2. Anyone see The Last Town Chorus' set?
  3. Not to get all sage on your ass, but live is what you make it.
  4. After 17 years of perfect service, my sony trinitron died last week. So I'm out looking at TVs today, and could not help noticing that the pictures suck! Any time the camera moves, there's a bunch of weird pixulation or something. The sales guy says "well, they're getting better." But I can't get the kind of quality I could get 17 years ago? It's like the emperor's new clothes. Or is it just me? What's the secret to getting a 32'' TV for under $1,000 with a picture that doesn't look like ka-ka?
  5. I could never get buying autographs. To me the point of the autograph is the story of the personal encounter that goes with it. Now, I did get a signed wilco poster for a Katrina contribution and a DBT poster for a tsunami contribution, which gives me the opportunity to show off what a good guy I am. But why would you want to have a framed jersey or a signed guitar mounted on your wall if all's you can say is "I bought that on Craigslist."
  6. I just watch Ripley again about a week ago. Oscar Winner Minghella Dies at 54 Mar 18 12:18 PM US/Eastern By JILL LAWLESS Associated Press Writer LONDON (AP) - entertainmentminute Oscar-winning director Anthony Minghella, who turned such literary works as "The English Patient," "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and "Cold Mountain" into acclaimed movies, died Tuesday of a hemorrhage following surgery. He was 54. Minghella's publicist, Jonathan Rutter, said the filmmaker died at London's Charing Cross Hospital. He said Minghella was operated on last week for a growth in his neck, "and the op
  7. So they'd have to cancel 50 Charleston shows?
  8. I stand corrected. Still, pretty much all the other acts at SXSW have been performing for years, which made Zooey's uncertainty more pronounced. That's the one. I could not believe people would stand in line that long for PBRs, free or no.
  9. I saw 'em twice at SXSW, at the Parish on Friday night and at the Harp picnic on Saturday. Zooey did seem a tense at the mike on Friday, but considering it was only their second gig together, it's understandable that they don't have a polished stage act. Plus those big eyes naturally bring to mind deer in the headlights. Still, her voice was quite lovely and her songs sneak up on you in interesting ways (one kicks off like "I Must Be High," another like "This Year's Girl"). I grabbed the CD on Sunday at Waterloo and I'm liking it a lot. You can hear the whole thing here. ("This Is Not A Test"
  10. Crap! I was just at their SXSW picnic on Saturday. Must have been all that PBR they were giving away.
  11. I'm shocked, shocked to hear Lou Reed is angry about something! he as a point, though.
  12. I probably saw you in line, a hapless pup with no ticket, so I ended up slumming it with Two Cow. Saw YLT last night at the Austin Music Hall and they ripped my head off, unholy choirs descend upon us. Sadies, Zooey and M plus Destroyer tonight.
  13. Perhaps he was going undercover(s). Sorry, but the guy set himself up as Mr. Law And Order.
  14. From what I've seen of concert video/rockumentaries, fan interviews are usually dropped in as comic relief, and the people come off as either stupid or a-holes or drunks or borderline stalkers. You might sound like Churchill for 5 minutes, but they'll just use the 5 seconds that make you appear to be brain damaged.
  15. I get in tomorrow, as long as my head agrees. Too much snow shoveling has left me with a bit of a cold.
  16. My Jeep, because in nine Cleveland winters, I've never gotten stuck, even on unplowed side streets or driveways. The last few days, that's a big friggin' deal.
  17. You're welcome, from the son of a WWII vet, still very much with us. In fact he just sang at the Philadelphia Academy of Music at an MS benefit concert a couple weeks ago.
  18. sorry, i was referring to 65days. I should have noted that.
  19. Did you miss the entire point of the article? It's as if someone saved your burning house and you complain that they stepped on the flowers.
  20. A salute to the last know survivor in the U.S. Hope I look this good at 107.
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