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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Guy bares his soul in hopes of helping others, and you offer a style critic. Nice.
  2. Isn't this the 30th anniversary of the Sex Pistols playing Cains? Perhaps Jeff should do the orange hair thing.
  3. I go back to that Austin show in 2002 before the ACL fest, when Jeff had to leave the stage to vomit. The band sorta tried to laugh it off, blaming it on the smell from the bat bridge. Jeff came back and worked through the rest of the set, toughing it out. They came back for an encore, and there was one point during Calif. Stars with Gary Louris that Jeff's face broke out into a broad smile, as if the pain had lifted for just that moment. Jeff joked about it the next day at the Fest, which made it easy to make light of. But I still remember the look of intense pain on his face the night befo
  4. Felt like they were playing in my living room.
  5. Speaking of which, Rock N Roll High School is just starting on VH1!
  6. Have they ever played the Sesame Street version of Outtasite live?
  7. I'm still haven't shaken my inner 14 year old.
  8. Jeff, there's a mike somewhere, ya know.
  10. Thought he sounded rough on SNL. This is half-joking, I think.
  11. must be a repeat: Stern just said he supports Giuliani.
  12. audio keeps cutting out. anyone else getting this?
  13. I'm listening while watching Stern and Letterman. Multitasking!
  14. So am I the only one here who works Friday-Tuesday, 4 p.m.-1 a.m. (this week, anyway)?
  15. Wilco's never gonna be big until they choose a coast. Like Colbert says: "Hey, middle class, we're at war. Pick a side."
  16. Remember when they tried calling it "Y'allternative"? So ghay.
  17. Say "Hi" to my old pals from the Trib, my first newspaper job 81-84.
  18. Let's not forget the HUGE victory predicted for Obama in New Hampshire. Polls mean dick. In about 10 hours, if it's not too icy out there, I'll be supporting our library issue, voting for some guy named Joe who's running against Kucinich, and voting for Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (that's his name, deal with it.)
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