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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. have you seen the Real Housewives of New Jersey? I'm not worried.
  2. all of this could be avoided if Wilco would just play a "demands" show on Friday night instead of a "requests" show.
  3. he played it at the 2008 LRS I attended. I had never consciously noticed all the chord changes before then. hadn't given that aspect of the song much respect before that...
  4. It's fun watching Jeff move through the 317 chords in Hummingbird on guitar. I have no interest in figuring that one out.
  5. You could probably find some on another website.
  6. To be fair to Speed Racer, her changing her mind about going to a living room show had nothing to do with Jeff or the music or even the LRS format. She was only there to hit on Esue's mom.
  7. Misunderstood is overwhelming to me every time I see it.
  8. Reservations in Austin It's helpful to figure out right away which are the annoying chatty assholes
  9. http://viachicago.org/topic/40324-can-someone-please-explain-the-tweedy-living-room-shows/?p=1339698 link to post regarding copies of shows:
  10. http://viachicago.org/topic/40324-can-someone-please-explain-the-tweedy-living-room-shows/?p=1338762 here's a link to a post by Gogo in a thread you started on June 12, 2009 about living room shows. She provides links to 2 other threads where they talk about how people get into the groups, etc.
  11. All of my clapping and sniffling is copyrighted, so I hope no one is listening to unauthorized copies of shows I've attended.
  12. I can assure everyone here that the dorks outnumber the cool kids. Jules is probably the only cool kid there.
  13. It's not a misguided policy. Jeff enjoys and employs a certain level of banter, interaction and informality because the shows are private. If he doesn't want that broadcast to the general public, that's his choice. He's doing this all for charity--why would he seek a personal financial gain out of it? Seems to me that would be misguided. hurtful
  14. there's a great pic of Jeff with several VCers. Except it has Speed Racer in it, who of course is not a VCer.
  15. I clapped first. Let's be honest here.
  16. I went to the bathroom during The Ruling Class, but I could still hear it pretty clearly.
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