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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. metallica lost it when they finally ran out of dave mustaine's riffs. "master" is the best album overall, but "lighting" is still my favorite. i don't think i've listened to any metallica in about 5-6 years. i'm too old for that sh*t.

  2. i thought it was a pretty tepid performance myself... especially after their great performance at Monolith


    my wife wasn't too impressed either... "aren't you seeing them this week? are they usually better than this?" :lol


    it certainly wasn't a performance to win new fans. i was expecting more than that.

  3. If Jay and Jeff just played as a duo and not under the UT name and played songs other than UT or their current stuff. That might be interesting. Otherwise, I don't really see the attraction.


    But that's just me.

  4. the only thing cool about the show was the opening credits. not surprised at all this show got the axe. hbo should have higher standards and better ideas than that...seriously. to each his own, but that was horribly written and terribly acted. i just didn't get it. or maybe that was the cool thing about it? whatever.

  5. World Wide Suicide was a #1 single last summer.

    i really don't want to dump on pearl jam. but that song did nothing for me. who actually buys "singles"??? i don't get the relevance of that category anymore. all i know is they played the hell out of it on the radio and it didn't move me to dive back into their catalogue.

  6. the "where are they now" comment is in regards to casual music fans. pj will always have their base, but they've already reached the mountaintop of popularity with the general public.


    hell...it's august of 2007 and even i posted regarding a pearl jam story. that never happens, and wouldn't have if this hadn't made the news. they lost me after vitalogy.

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