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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. One thing I find very interesting is that the people who are now saying that Hillary winning will be bad because it will give us 24 and possibly 28 years of Bush of Clinton in the White House are the very same people who in 2004 were looking through the Bush family tree to see who might be next in line for the next Bush White House. They did not seem to have a problem with it back then, Times change I guess.


    FYI I am not in favor of the two family system of government.


    i think dubya's 8 years of error have thankfully assured us that no other bush family members will ever be elected to national office ever again. i guess that's one thing he can take credit for.


    and i think you need at least 3 viable PARTIES to claim a democracy. what we have now seems far from it especially rotating bush/clinton/bush/clinton. screw that.

  2. The thing about religion is gets so big that it becomes a culture and then the people get lost in what is the culture and what they believe and feel in life.

    that's why i keep my faith personal and don't subscribe to any particular denomination. i see no use for it.

  3. Thanks for answering - I have never really seen that show - or enough of it to know who wins. On the other thing - I sure as fuck hope we don't get stuck with a republican son of a bitch again.

    umm...me neither.


    considering that the current slate of Republican candidates are completely embarrassing and lacking in any vision and leadership. they seem completely oblivious to true conservative issues. i'm hoping a Democrat in the white house wakes the real conservatives out of their coma. that is, if there are any still out there. i sure as hell don't see any. it's been a few decades now.

  4. Good job on tossing in the leftist whack-job comment. Very constructive

    the "whack-job" term is not exclusive to the left. there are rightist whack-jobs too. very influential ones as you've noted.


    there..you feel better now? some people sure have some thin skin around here.


    i just don't understand how both parties aren't held in contempt by informed people like you john. two failed "visions" for the future are recycled election after election. now it's the democrats turn to f*ck things up for the next 4 to 8 years.


    have at it.

  5. Regardless of his influence on you personally you have to admit that Limbaugh and so many others of his kind, Hannity, Dobson, Coulter, Malkin, O'Reily, etc... do weild considerable influence over a fairly large number of "conservatives" and republicans. It is exactly this influennce that gets these guys (conservative talk show types) invited to the White House again and again.

    i could also run off a list of leftist whack-jobs that would soon be scheduling their sleep-overs in the lincoln bedroom if/when the dems take over. but really...what's the point?

  6. why would any conservative vote for Obama?? would you vote for Hillary?? why dont you like McCain??

    i believe my response to that question is around pages 19-21 of this thread. i don't feel like repeating myself.


    i will say that there is no possible scenario that i would EVER vote for Hillary...ever.

  7. thanks for the insight. youre still a republican after the last 8 years???!! WHY?

    i haven't been a Republican for 15 years.


    i'm an independent conservative likely to vote for Obama simply for the lack of any viable conservative in the race. i do not simply vote Republican by default. i can't stand the current Republican field besides Thompson, who's NOT going to get the nod.


    have you not paid any attention to what i've been saying?

  8. I wonder who they will end up with then.

    that's a good question.


    the fact that no one has yet surged ahead from the pack is not a good sign for the GOP. it's a deeply divided party which could easily be swayed to the other side come election day. it's comical to me that Thompson finished 3rd in Iowa, yet McCain (the media darling and 4th place finisher) got more press coverage. it's fitting that Fred is a 4 letter word, because his name is never uttered by the networks. Fred is the only across-the-board conservative in the race and the GOP is so fractured by Bush's ineptitude, there's no one left in the GOP to rally around Fred. they've all fled the party, embarrassed and angered by the Bush administration. so Fred skipped N.H. to focus on South Carolina. it's only a matter of weeks until he bails. it will take decades to restore any credibility back to the GOP. if there's not a viable 3rd party established in the next two election cycles, there will never be.

  9. There is so much unrest with the electorate that I think turnout will be huge and democrat. Look at Iowa and see how many more dems turned out. Treu more republicans turned out than '04 but the dems had a nearly 3X increase in turnout


    i think another 4 years of bush has thinned out the GOP faithful quite thoroughly. he has completely ruined the party in the span of his two terms. by the time we cast our ballots we very well may be looking at a landslide victory for the DEMS. unless hillary gets the nod. heaven forbid that happens.

  10. You don't think McCain is going to make it?



    i'm tired of re-tread politicians. we need new blood. and yet, here i am pulling for thompson on the GOP side. mccain is weak as a candidate imo. he's the bob dole of this years campaign. nice guy, but insignificant.

  11. I figure a republican will end up as the next president - why would you go for him I wonder.

    because besides thompson, i absolutely hate the rest of the field in the GOP. they might as well be democrats. they certainly act that way.


    obama seems like the candidate most able to build a consensus between the parties and actually get some stuff done for a change. plus, somebody has to win this thing.

  12. The one with the highest per capita contributions to The 700 Club?


    I keed, I keed, but seriously....


    ha, ha


    pat robertson is an a-hole and nobody i respect.





    Man. I need to get to the eye doctor, 'cuz I thought for a second there you were thinking of voting for Obama. Pretty funny, huh?


    no sir, that's the truth.


    if he gets the nomination and thompson doesn't get the GOP nod (which he won't).


    obama will be my front-runner.

  13. as i see it:


    the republicans abandoned conservative principles with their political victories, which had given them a sense of entitlement. they arrogantly decided to move the political fence to create a bigger political yard for themselves. they worked to attract moderates in a foolish power grab and alienated true conservatives (such as me) from their ranks and caused many to leave the party. what passes as the GOP now is a total joke. republicans sabotaged themselves with greed and corruption.


    we then get bush spending our money like a teenager with his dad's credit card and a war we had no business starting. we get bigger government and a blind eye turned towards our nations economy.


    THAT my friends, is NOT conservatism. the conservative philosophy is not to blame. what is to blame for the last 8 years is the ineptness of those running the GOP. but it sure would help if the democrats had a freakin' plan. i'm so pissed off at the GOP, i'll pretty much agree to almost anything but what the Huckabee's and the Romney's of the world have to offer.


    therefore, Obama is getting my serious consideration. the two party system has long been broken.

  14. Interesting, you might think otherwise if you were familiar with his strict religious upbringing.


    it doesn't matter where you start, it's where you are now that matters.


    In fact, it could be argued that biologists, of all people, do have a greater understanding of the inner workings of the mind, and in fact do. Which, is why most biologists tend to be atheists or agnostics. Which that said, Wilson described himself as an agnostic, not an atheist, meaning, he is open to other possibilities, but, from a scientific standpoint, sees little to no evidence to suggest there is an afterlife

  15. I really like Hillary, but think that the GOP hates her so much that she would never be able to build any sort of bi-partisan support for... anything, really. No matter how good the idea, and how great the plan.


    according to polls that i've heard, 50% of hillary's OWN party would never vote for her. of course, the GOP feels the same way. of all the democrats, Obama has the best chance to work with the other side of the aisle in my opinion.

  16. "the sky is falling!...the sky is falling!"


    -chicken little


    hey, politics are here again...yay!?


    guess what? the longer i've been on VC, the less passionate i've become politically. is it because i'm older and more jaded? or because VC has opened my eyes to other points of view? i think it's both. one thing i will not pursue is belittling other points of view with 19 paragraphs of a letter to an imaginary pastor. i respect your time far too much to waste it like that.


    in a nutshell, i'm a conservative independent. i would favor thompson on the republican side, but would vote for no one else on the right. unfortunately, thompson is completely invisible this campaign due to the media hating his boring ass and also due to his own penchant for being...invisible.


    on the other side, i like obama very much. he's about as much a breath of fresh air as you are going to get. i mean, we ARE talking politics here. if fact i like him so much, i may very well toss my conservatism aside and vote for the man. that is, if he gets the nomination. i could then just toe the conservative line with my senate and congressional votes.


    bottom line. it's not just about ideals, it's about LEADERSHIP. something we've been lacking for at least 8 years now. once we have someone to rally around, we can work out the details on everything else TOGETHER. i will not pretend i know everything, because i don't. i just want something BETTER. i think we can all agree on that without being pig-headed and deaf to an honest dialog. i believe we can do better and to do so will take a UNITED effort on both sides of the aisle.


    umm...that's all I've got.


    peace out!

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