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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. Dude, you just came back from a prolonged absence and you're going to claim that no one here has presented a case for Obama? You should probably go back and read some posts a little older than yesterday. Seriously, there's been a ton of detail all over the place.


    ah, what's the point, i'll always be in the political minority here. we can disagree on politics and still be friends can't we? there's no point in pushing this any further. good luck to you all.


    see you in november.

  2. Sigh. I didn't say YOU were stupid, I said YOUR statement was stupid. Which it was. It was a poor generalization of several traits which you assume to be socialist leaning ones. You also condem a man in a country where we supposedly have freedom of association without criminalization.


    all i get out of barack's mouth is generalizations. he is a blank canvas upon you can project your hopes and dreams. the people a man associates himself with says alot about that man. especially when they haven't been on the national scene long enough to have established a track record. you can't give someone the keys to your countrys future based upon speeches of change, hope and naive policy.


    why should i bother with specifics when no one on here will give any regarding their reasons for support for this man other than he's not bush. the man is a liberal democrat and now the nominee for his party. therefore the via chicago community will vote for him and insult the few who won't. i've been on here for a long time and the same pattern always holds true.

  3. Are you okay with government subsidies and tax breaks for businesses? As far as I can tell, these are just redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich, and yet a lot of people oppose social programs because they are "redistribution of wealth", often forgetting that often times the wealth only got to where it was through exploitative means.


    there is not enough wealth amonst the "rich" to pay for these programs. therefore the middle class will be picking up the slack. i see higher taxes and lower paychecks in my future, how about you?

  4. Our country could use a dose of socialist philosophy. Note, I said dose, not full on, which would never happen anyway. The claim that Obama is socialist is far fetched. He is drifting more toward the center, as well.


    I would rather have someone sending expectations to the nation, the politicians, and himself than someone who realizes we are screwed and will continue to be screwed and continue to screw other nations with our resource exploration, domestic subsidies, and democracy proselytizing.


    Drifting towards the center? What? That's how he plans to get elected. That's Politics 101. Barack and his sour other half are spreading the message that we are screwed and will remain screwed unless we elect Obama.


    Screwing other nations with our resource exploration? Tell that sh*t to Russia and China and other developing nations. They are putting up coal for oil plants all over despite the global warming crap. We are the only country that cares about that hoax while we sit and watch gas continually climb to record highs.


    Get with the program.

  5. As far as 'surrounding himself with radicals", I just believe that this is the only thing that his detractors can "find" on him. I don't see any evidence that he has ever thought this way. This guy would certainly be a step forward for the country. The country has taken multiple giant steps backwards over the past 7 years.


    I am no fan of Bush at all and have no desire to defend his continued blunders that made it possible for Barack Obama to win the nomination. People are so depressed and disenchanted with government (and they should be) that they want to project all their hopes and dreams onto a fresh face. Barack serves that purpose. On the surface he certainly seems a nice enough guy.


    Barack is largely a mystery, so all we have to go on is who he has associated himself with, and that list is a bit frightening. Not to say that Barack has all the same principles of a Rezko (convicted criminal), Ayers (terrorist), Wright (racist), Davis (communist), Malley (advisor and Hamas contact), Pfleger (a-hole), etc. But Barack's pattern of who is allowed in his inner circle is alarming. Even his wife has a history of foot-in-mouth moments that cause one to question her motives as well.


    Giving Barack a free pass is an incredible leap of faith for a country that is currently circling the drain. So, excuse me if I don't immediately buy into his load of crap. I would love nothing more than for him to be the cure all, or at least lead us in the right direction. I intended to find reasons to support him, but only found more red flags and increased my doubts about the man. Once you get past his cronies, there are is is campaign platform to deal with. And call it what you want, but it's all socialism to me.

  6. When did you hear it all before?


    And, hey udub


    Hey, what's up?


    I was referring to the "Hope, Change" empty cliched stuff heard at every election. Barack is no different from the typical politician other than the fact that he is a certified socialist and completely open about it. He surrounds himself with radicals until they end up embarrassing him and hurt his campaign. Then he gives the standard "that's not the person I knew" B.S. speech. I wonder if he'll ever have to pull out that on his wife if she ever says anything worse than she already has.


    "That's not the Michelle I knew"


    Now that would be hilarious.

  7. I can't wait till Bush leaves so we can focus on other things.


    Like congress and their 18.7% approval rating.


    Seeing real socialism put into action.


    The death of the middle class.


    You know, the fun stuff.


    Until then, this "typical white person" is going to "cling to his guns and religion" while he waits in anticipation of Obama healing this "broken soul". I can't remember a politician (or his wife) ever spewing this much pompous B.S. during a primary season. It would almost be comical if he didn't have a real shot of winning. Which, much to my horror, I expect him to.


    Barack has set the expectations awful high and his plans are going to absolutely wreck this country. You think things suck now? Just wait. This man has no freaking clue what he's doing.


    But by all means, give this naive prick the car keys. Because it's all about Hope...Change...Blah, blah, blah... [applause] ...blah blah....


    I've heard it all before.

  8. When I was a kid I thought Bob Dylan was a joke, but Mister Mister was awesome. Still, that's not really an example of changing taste--it's more an example of having no taste at all.

    i know exactly what you mean. but, those experiences have now made you the person you are today.

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