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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. I'd actually prefer that the restrictions on how much of a market one company can own were tightened again, rather than re-implementing the fairness doctrine, but I'd take the FD over nothing.


    i agree that market restrictions should be tightened.


    i don't agree with FD over nothing though.

  2. THIS is your question? Do you have any questions worth answering?


    you still didn't answer my question.


    you did bother to respond. too much effort to come up with something? or did i hit the nail on the head? with the lack of liberal "equal time" out there it's reassuring to know that opposing view points still exist. god bless america.

  3. If the F.D. had not been trashed, his network would have had to give equal time to opposing viewpoints. Pretty simple concept.
    radio's would have been turned off everywhere after rush's entertaining ego would have been shut off in favor of the left's feeble attempt at rebuttal. the left has had nearly twenty years to come up with an answer to rush and still nothing? so failure should be rewarded by giving equal time? what company is going to buy air time for that? certainly not the taxpayer's.


    Very Limbaugh-esque response.
    you didn't answer my question.
  4. Democratic efforts to regulate talk radio...


    that's all i had to read. since when do democrats do anything that wouldn't benefit themselves? (or republican's for that matter). it's a free market, freedom of speech issue. we as consumers of information have the choice to go wherever we chose to to get our news and listen to opinions. would a liberal really trust a fox news affiliate to give balance to the conservative opinion? as a conservative, i don't put much stock in nbc to give a fair shake. just my opinion. and for anybody that doesn't already know, i'm not a republican.


    if the message isn't getting the reception you expect...maybe it's the message that's the problem. this "fairness doctrine" assumes that we are all morons. typical politicians...regardless of party.

  5. I hope Wilco, Inc. makes a ton of cash of these ads and spreads around a nice fat Christmas bonus to all it's staff, on tears of all their hard core "fans" who claim they are "selling out". They've been riding the pine on commercial and financial success for far to long...and here's a big, Mexican middle finger to all of you who claim otherwise. I like the commercials too, I think I'm gonna go buy a Volkswagen today!


    if these ads were meant to convince just one wilco fan to purchase a vw, then i guess they've accomplished their mission.


    btw: i'd been checking out passats before the whole wilco/vw thing came to light. but i still haven't bought one yet. wilco will not be a deciding factor if i ever make the deal.

  6. comparing the first album to the last isn't really a fair comparison. i've got them all and wouldn't give up any of them. it's where the band was at that particular time and both have their moments. anodyne, of course having more of them.

  7. i saw the one with the convertable with the lyrics "maybe the sun will shine today" smartly used. at least they aren't using more than a few moments of each song and each features lyrics that go with what's featured in the ad. it's tasteful imo. i really don't have a problem with this ad campaign. i don't favor my favorite band's music used in ads in general, but in this case..at least the company seems to have a genuine respect for the band. i don't see this as a negative for wilco.

  8. i think even rivers knows that weezer peaked with pinkerton. maybe after listening to "beverly hills" over and over he decided to not let that be the swan song of a once decent band. i hope they can offer something better than that before they go back into obscurity and rivers goes back to harvard for his doctorate. btw: "beverly hills" insults the intelligence of fans of the first two albums. they are capable of so much more than what was on make believe. green wasn't horrible, but i can't even listen to most of maladroit and it just got worse from there imo. i agree they lost a lot more than just a bass player when matt left.

  9. I think that it's awesome that it bothers you. just don't expect anyone to care. I think when one hits 40 and realizes it's going to take a few 100k to put their kids through college and they don't have a pot to piss in a few minor commercial endeavours start to look pretty good. That you think music should be some sort of idealistic statement of self reliance and anti consumerism is your own baggage. it has no relation to the way the music industry is or ever was. historically youthful artistic idealism have always morphed into some more pragmatic and money generating form.


    you mention the evil corporations....it this somehow different than the consumers who have a choice in not purchasing what the major corporations produce? such as the evil corporation who produced the computer you're on as well as the entire infrastructure that allows us to communicate in this fashion?


    do you mean the political problems that if enough people cared about could be changed?


    best of luck with all that. with all that self righteous peeing in the wind you must change your pants a lot.


  10. It seems really funny now, but in the early 70's ELO had a certain coolness to them. Certainly up until about 1975.

    musically, i try to forget the 80's ever happened. there's a few exceptions, but elo wasn't one of them. i definately liked their earlier years and their stuff as the move before that.

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