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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. Speaking as someone who just might outweigh Michael Moore, I get more than a bit miffed when criticisms of his films spill over into criticisms of his weight. He's overweight, we get it. That doesn't invalidate anything he might have to say.


    Should I start breaking out the jokes about Dick Cheney's heart? Reagan's Alzheimer's disease? Rush Limbaugh's obesity?

    What about Ann Coulter's penis?


    i'm not a limbaugh apologist by any means, but he lost the obesity tag quite a few years ago. his detractors just love to pull out the old photos. a private chef and illegal prescription drugs do wonders to help you ditch the pounds.

  2. But don't they just do the same songs? Is Hippopopottamus really that funny when you hear it for the fifth time? What's the draw in seeing the same act live? I think they are pretty funny, but do they do the same songs on the show?


    i do wish they had a new batch of songs for the hbo series. that drags it down quite a bit. the original hbo special is still their best because it left more to the imagination. to see it all acted out on the series is a big negative. it's been played already.

  3. ...made me realize how much better too fast for love was. theater of pain made me realize that shout at the devil was the last good album they ever made.


    john corabi made me realize how neil was the weakest link. but nobody wanted to admit that, so they kicked john out of the band instead...so they could once again bask in their suckiness.

  4. He's working on it, actually. I saw a recent interview with him and he acknowledged that there was something hypocritical about someone in his shape putting together such an indictment of the healthcare system, so he's now improving his diet and getting exercise to slim down.


    I wish him luck ... I'm in the same boat.

    i can't fault his message at all. this has got to be the best thing he's come up with. at least he's aware of the conflict.

  5. saw ratatouille last weekend.


    best animation ever. good story. and janine garafolo did a terrific job of disguising her voice. if i didn't read the credits, i wouldn't have known. otherwise i would not have enjoyed it as much. not a big fan.


    of you put ratatouille up against ice age in animation terms, it's like a photograph vs. a stick figure drawing. future computer animation now has a very high bar to deal with. and that's great for everyone.

  6. I don't think that's a stretch at all.


    The attendees probably would have spent the day driving all over town, one person per car, doing completely unnecessary errands if they hadn't been at a concert.





    you are awesome. i've purchased some credits for you, so feel free to indulge yourself and crank that a.c. down to a cool 72 degrees. i've got you covered for the rest of the week.



  7. As soon as I get the time machine done, we'll go into the future and see. Seriously, what do you think the inhabitants of a world ravaged by the effects of global warming are going to think of us in the past, who could have done something substantial, but didn't? We'll be held in about as much esteem as we hold people who burned other people at the stake because they thought the world was round.


  8. Future generations will look at Al Gore as the only decent person from this particular epoch. The rest of us will be held in scorn for putting our own comfort over the well-being of our planet.



    ok nostradomus...that's a good one.

  9. I see Being There as the start of Jeff finding his own unique songwriting voice. Sure he wrote some great songs for the Uncle Tupelo records, and on AM, but it wasn't until Being There that he seemed to really rise from the shadows. This to me was the album where Jeff really started to delve into the more poetic and abstract in his lyrics. The lyrical imagery in a song like Sunken Treasure showed this new side of Jeff's songwriting (which he would expand over the next few albums with songs like She's a Jar, and the majority of the YHF songs.) Also, Being There was the record that showed the band breaking further from it's rock 'n' roots sound to allow more experimental and non-rock sounds and song structures into the picture. This combination of lyrical and musical adventurousness really set them on a path that I believe they're still following.


    this is exactly what i think.

  10. random thoughts:


    i love it when self-important musicians and up-and coming wanna-be's get together to seek more press. it's a win-win situation for them. i'm not really sure what the hell this has to do with the envirnment though.


    i wonder how many bands on this bill would have gotten a thumbs-up from tipper gore's PMRC 20 years ago? funny how some things are completely forgotten over time.


    i hate al gore. ok, hate is a strong word. but i really, really, really don't like him. i get queasy just looking at that whiny, babbling, no legitimate scientific credential-toting tub of goo.


    i love the envirnment, i really do. and i do what i can to do my part. but i will never give these useful idiots any credit for it. think for yourselves and be kind to others...including the earth.


    i'm really not that stoked about seeing the police anymore.


    i'm glad wilco is not tied to this event.

  11. By the way, has anybody wondered why the FD has come up again recently? I think it is because senators have been getting calls in DC about this horrible immigration bill and they want conservative talk radio to shut up about it and stop giving out their email addresses, fax and phone numbers.


    i think you may be on to something there.

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