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Everything posted by TCP

  1. You were a Golden Gopher? What was that experience like? Did you ever contemplate Major Junior over NCAA?
  2. Maybe a goalie like Thomas just isn't built for the playoffs?
  3. Perhaps the ghost of Joe Thornton lingers.
  4. Well, three series tied at 2 a piece. Excited. Seriously, Blues, what the heck? I had picked you guys to come out of the East. Could Pittsburgh actually make it back to the finals?!
  5. Oh how could I forget the Detroit Lions?! Their new logo is so fierce, I see them going 16-0.
  6. If I still smoked weed this stuff would be fantastic, I'm sure.
  7. I mean, come on, when was the last time Detroit was relevant?!
  8. Yeah but Sundin isn't really an important part of this team. If anything he is an anchor on that second line. I guess he brings veteran presence. I do love how everyone says that he went for the money over a championship when he picked the Canucks over the Habs and Rangers.
  9. So when is the next Habs game??? Ohh that's right they got swept in four games.
  10. My gut feeling told me they'd lose that game, beating Chicago twice in a row on the road would be too tough of a task for any team. This series is going to go to seven, with the home teams winning each of the three. I didn't get to watch it too closely, but the Canucks looked to be playing well all night, at least from what I saw, but 15 shots? Hmm... Everytime the Canucks lose it sends me into a bad mood but that was the worst Canuck mood I've been put in since the 07-08 season. It was almost like dating my exgirlfriend again I still believe. Good will conquer evil, oh yes. Two series a
  11. My first was the Marine Band but now I love my Lee Oscars. Soo nice, sooooo nice.
  12. Walken, remain strong, my friend. If there's one team that is down in their series, that can make it back, it's the Bs. While I think of this I need to get me a Chara jersey.
  13. Maybe I'm a homer but I can't see the Ducks or Wings beating the Canucks, Caps, or Bs. I could see them beating the Hawks or the Canes however. I don't think Detroit or Anaheim matches up well against the other three teams.
  14. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  15. Go Bruins Go! The worst thing would be a Ducks vs Canes final.... AKA Who Gives A Shit
  16. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  17. All the series are at 2-1!!!!!! CANES AND CANUCKS FINAL!!!!!!!
  18. Is it just me or has Jin's role been really diminished this season? I mean, he can speak now, you'd think they'd use him more.
  19. This Phoenix/Hamilton thing is really getting interesting. I don't understand why the NHL would want to keep a team in Phoenix where it is clearly not working and costing them 30 million dollars every season... especially when you have a guy offering 212 million dollars for the team, which is much much more then they are worth. Weird.
  20. Agreed. Simplicity at its best. I really liked that vintage jersey they wore at the Winter Classic this year. As a person of aboriginal decent, the Hawks logo doesn't bother me at all, if anything they're paying honour to the Black Hawk warriors... unlike the Cleveland Indians who's logo is a little bit offensive... but let's not get into that. What the heck happened with that denied Wings goal tonight?
  21. I started today off by listening to one of my favorite songs. I married Isis on the fifth day of May, But I could not hold on to her very long. So I cut off my hair and I rode straight away For the wild unknown country where I could not go wrong.
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