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Everything posted by TCP

  1. This season seems to be the A Ghost Is Born of Lost. People either see it as a worthy follow up to the epic season 4 or it is a major disappointment. My money is on the Initiative coming back to the Island.
  2. I know exactly how you feel. It's already felt like a life time and I'll still have to wait another week How do you feel about your Wings potentially going up against the mighty Ducks??
  3. This is perhaps some of the best television ever made.
  4. Billy Corgan, you are killing everything that I believed in when I was 15. Shame on you!
  5. Damn that's crazy! This time travel makes my head hurt.
  6. I know I'm being a homer but don't count out the Canucks in the Western Conference. I've never believed in a Nucks team like this before. Not a blog, but hfboards.com is a really good resource. It's pretty civil for a hockey board. Course it's nowhere near as awesome as Via Chicago. This place is the bomb. For breaking news tsn.ca is the place I go. It's Canada's ESPN so it's 99.5% hockey. I can tell you where not to go: Eklund.
  7. I don't have a problem with someone who has dual citizenship, who gets overturned by one country, going to another country. In fact, I don't see how anyone could have a problem with that at all.
  8. Haha that's too cool. You'd think Faraday would take off that stupid tie since he's stuck on an island. Well I guess he's not stuck since he left, but you know what I mean.
  9. He's a Hull, what do you expect from him? They're all about defection.
  10. Did he not announce his retirement till 05-06?? All I know is that in recent years, every time the inductees are announced, everyone is upset here when Bure is denied. I'm sure he will eventually. Hmm you're right, November 1st, 2005. Hmm. Three years? So that means he's been snubbed twice so far. I suppose due to his shortened career he will probably have to wait for a few years. Either way, they've inducted a few players in the HHOF, who do not deserve to be there. EDIT: This is a funny read http://elvishasleft.wordpress.com/2009/04/...me-4-in-philly/ NSFW!!
  11. Maybe it's a generation thing but the first Sonic Youth album that I got into was Murray Street. Still my favorite.
  12. Who gets into the NHL HOF and who doesn't never really makes sense. They have some players from the O6 era who did not have anywhere near impressive stats, that get in, but a player like Pavel Bure, possibly the greatest pure scorer of the past few decades, is denied! The Osgood question is a good one indeed, in fact one of the guys I work with asked me that Tuesday night. The Wings defense is good, but is it so good that an average goal tender could win the cup twice? He is the winningest goalie in Wings history. Anyways, congrats to the Bruins. I'm not surprised about the Caps. They hav
  13. YEAAAHHHH BOOOOIIIII!!! FIRST 4-GAME SWEEP IN FRANCHISE HISTORY!!!! (Back in the historic 1982 the Canucks completed a three game sweep on the Flames).
  14. Some of the officiating and suspensions that have been handed out definitely need to be clarified. The Hawks are too young to go far in the playoffs this year. They just don't have the experience. They'll probably win against Calgary in the 7th game. I can't see them getting past Vancouver, San Jose, Ducks, or Detroit. Anyways, tonight, c'mon boys, sweep sweep sweep.
  15. "She's not a girl who misses much" /thread
  16. Class goes out the door at the beginning of April. Maybe that kid should have thought twice before being raised by Habs fans.
  17. Good points. Salo has been great, in fact, ever since he got back from injury I've been really impressed by him. He's been a new man this season. Last season he didn't seem to use that rocket of a shot, but this season he has. He's our best puck moving D-man, and you can notice that when he's out of the line up. Bernier and Raymond have been huge. I disagree with you on Demitra and Wellwood. Demitra has always been a quite player, he's not like Burrows or Kesler. With Burr or Kes you can tell when they're about to score but Demitra just goes about it quitely and gets his 50-60 points. This has
  18. Ok so they're choking in round 1 as opposed to round 2 but still...
  19. Gotta feel bad for the Sharks.... they spent all season trying to get the President's Trophy and what happens? They run into a rookie goaltender who happens to be hot and a Ducks team that likely doesn't have the energy to go full throttle past the first round. It's sad, really. Thornton and Marleu just don't show up in the playoffs, every year the analysts say "this is the year for the Sharks" and every year the same result, more or less. This is undoubtedly the most disappointing, what with all the expectations. This is, however, terrific news for the Vancouver Canucks, who will not have to
  20. Plus Naslund has 3 points in two games? What the hell, Naslund? Where was that in 2007??? I had a terrible thought, what if the Rangers met the Canucks in the finals?? A rematch!? Too bad Linden is retired now..... I thought the Jackets would put up more of a fight then they are
  21. I don't know, that's crazy. Must be due to Torty.
  22. LUONGO! 3 SHUT OUTS IN HIS LAST FOUR GAMES. All the emoticon's are the only way to express how I feel right now.
  23. Don't bring up Neely or you will make me cry. Is that Kessel jersey? I hope your Bruins prove me wrong, I really do (except unless it's against the Nucks). They're tied with the Hawks as my second favorite team this year, but since they're Eastern Conference and therefor not rivals they're edging out the Hawks. This is the best time of the year and it's only going to get better with the WC starting soon. Here's my awesome youtube video of the day... in HD! NSFW!!!!! Kelly is supposedly David Backes' wife. Anyone know a good site to get jersey's online? I'm trying to buy an old Jets/N
  24. Here's some facts for y'all. Bruins > Habs (hopefully the Bruins can work on that crazy all time stat in favour of Le Habitants) Bruins > Devils Bruins > Capitals Bruins > Penguins Bruins > Rangers HOWEVER Bruins Bruins Bruins Bruins What I'm trying to say is that the Stanley Cup will once again be decided in the Western Conference Finals. I can't remember off hand but the Western vs Eastern teams stats was extremely lopsided to the West this year. BUT!!! If an Eastern Team wins, I will change my avatar to their logo ALL off season. Regardless, good win for the Bruin
  25. I hear Chicago is going crazy... they even lit the Sears Tower to be red. Good to see markets like Chicago and St. Louis returning to their former glory.
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