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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Grr! What a day for my internet to go out. If anyone recorded the stream of this, let me know!
  2. I've never met any (regular) VC posters. For all you guys know I could be a fictional character created by a computer!
  3. There's an AGIB era recording of it.
  4. Okay, sorry if this has been brought up but anyone else think it's more then a coincidence that Elsa's (Sayid's lady) boss called her half an hour early, roughly the same amount of time difference the island seems to have from the rest of the world???
  5. This news sucks I'd rather they have a break in the season then wait 11 months. I hope they don't scrap the Almeda story line.
  6. I don't know if calling Episode 3 "kick ass" is appropriate. I mean, sure, the story was good but Hayden's acting is terrible, the dialog was terrible, and it was far too based on CGI. Anakin and Padame's dialog was horrendous... "when we were alone on Naboo with nothing but our love!". Has George Lucas ever even been in a relationship???? I know Star Wars movies have never been known for their great dialog but it's like he gave up on Episode 3. Oooh, here's where I read about the TV show.
  7. Yeah, I heard they were going to do a bunch of live action Star Wars shows about minor characters. They were suppose to be darker and not as childish, kind of like Firefly was.
  8. Memphis Moon is track two of The Sun Session EP ! I actually really like The Old Black Hen. Peoria Lunch Box Blues is good too, I just don't think whats her face has a flattering voice for that song.
  9. I remember Much Music playing Knives Out and Pyramid Song a lot.
  10. Fading Trails is entirely made up of songs from Sojourner (none of the recordings from What Comes After The Blues are on Sojourner though, contrary to what might have previously been implied). If you like the country rock styles then Nashville Moon from that boxset is your best bet, I think it's Molina's strongest 'rock' effort since the first MEC album. Once you get into that I recommend checking out the solo albums and maybe some Songs: Ohia albums like Didn't it Rain, The Lioness, and Ghost Tropic. That style of Molina's work took me a long time to get into but it helped a lot when I found
  11. Meh, if it will help introduce younger people to Radiohead I think it's a good thing. To be honest, when I first was getting into Radiohead, it'd be nice to have some sort of compilation to help me out.
  12. Well that depends... Red Book Audio (aka all the audio CD's you've ever bought) has a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz and a bit depth of 16bits (if you don't get what that means, 44.1/16 is CD quality, anything higher is higher quality then CD). As far as I know, Summerteeth was recorded digitally (and mixed on ProTools). Now, if I was to record an album today, I would at least go 44.1/24 and then take it back to 44.1/16 before it hits audio CD, that way if there's ever a DVD or vinyl pressing, it'd be at least a bit better then CD quality. I wasn't engineering in 1999 (I was busy being a kid) and f
  13. What about The Beatles? Didn't their music change the world? Remember, Beatlemania was a world wide thing, not just in America. I think it had a huge effect on the youth and in turn shaped them as adults.
  14. I really liked some of those songs on Rabbit Fur Coat but every time I think of Jenny Lewis I can't help but recall standing in line at the Wilco concert listening to the teenage girls behind me going "Oh my gawd that Jenny Lewis album was sooooooo good" "I sooooo know!!!!11 Her song Handle With Care was soooo good! The guy from Death Cab sings on it!!!!! Oh my gawd!!!". Not pleasant memories but I guess that's not Jenny's fault.
  15. Welcome to the boards, new girl!!
  16. I think that's the funniest stuff I've seen from any of those shows since they came back from the strike.
  17. B.O. with 8. If you dudes don't elect him we'll take him
  18. The Oceanic Six... does that mean only six people got off? Jack, Hurley, Kate... hmm I wonder who else.
  19. 1) Bellingham, WA Okay, true, that's the only American city I've ever been too. If I ever get the courage to go deeper in America I'd like to go to Portland and maayyybeee Chicago.
  20. I voted for Obama but I guess I don't matter due to me being a Canadian
  21. Okay, first off, for the record, I was like... 14 when I bought The Green Album, before that I listened to whatever was popular of the day, Blink-182 and Linkin Park. I remember listening to The Green Album that summer and hearing O Girlfriend for the first time, a song that today I'd say has a pretty (but ultimately only mediocre) melody and being blown away ... it was like something clicked with me, that completely changed my musical direction. However, saying O Girlfriend is as good as Holiday or The World Has Turned is ludicrous. O Girlfriend seems as if Rivers found some notes that go wel
  22. I couldn't pick just 10 1) The Beatles - Revolver 2) Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 3) Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde 4) Elliott Smith - XO 5) Iron and Wine - The Creek Drank The Cradle 6) Andrew Bird - The Mysterious Production of Eggs 7) Neil Young - Harvest 8) The Beatles - The White Album 9) Beck - Sea Change 10) Sufjan Stevens - Illinois 11) Sloan - One Chord To Another 12) M. Ward - Post War 13) Songs: Ohia - Magnolia Electric Co 14) Uncle Tupelo - Anodyne 15) Traveling Wilburys - Volume I 16) Radiohead - Kid A 17) Wilco - Being There 18) Nick Drake - Pink Moon 19) Songs: Ohia - Didn't It Ra
  23. Does this mean we'll have advertisements in the middle of albums?
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