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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Happy Birthday to my favorite fellow Canadian.
  2. Weird that this topic appeared again, as I was spinning Born Again in the USA for the first time in a year this weekend. I forgot how much I love it. I'm not a SBS hater but I think Born Again is superior in every way. All the songs are solid, and I agree that Wanted is probably the best song from it, the killer lead guitar in the end gets me every time. I don't understand why so many people dislike Jim's songs, I think they're some of his best since Insignificance. I can't say if I like one of the albums more then the other, but I will say this. I think Chinese Apple is one of the best thing
  3. Very few people can tell the difference from 256 and CD quality, anyone who says they can is likely lying.
  4. Yeah, the tombstone was created by Jin's family, probably before Sun even returned. As we know from Jack's testimony, the world believes that only 8 people survived that crash, and Jin probably wasn't one of those, either because he stayed or actually died.
  5. What?!?!!?!??! That episode was great. Probably my second favorite, behind the Desmond one. Michael's return, Jin's death, Sun's baby being born...!!! Much better then last week, at least it moved the overall plot forward. I don't know when these aired, I've never seen them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWmmYa2CbeI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2ZVwzpoGKU Edit: Wait, wait, we all assumed that Jin and Sun both got off the island, but since Jin obviously doesn't get off that means there's one other Oceanic 6.
  6. Nebraska was on a 4 track cassette recorder. My favorites include The Creek Drank The Cradle and early Elliott Smith recordings of course, as well as Jason Molina - Let Me Go, Let Me Go, Let Me Go Songs: Ohia - The Ghost
  7. How bout Songs From The Black Hole???
  8. Here's some I like, in no order Wilco - Being There Weezer - Pinkerton Sloan - Twice Removed Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain The Rentals - Seven More Minutes Bob Dylan - The Free Wheelin' Bob Dylan Uncle Tupelo - Still Feel Gone Elliott Smith - Elliott Smith
  9. Yes because no one other then Americans helped develop that style of music...
  10. The Autumn Defense would be cool... as would Blue Mountain. M. Ward!
  11. Hmmm! Well, she's getting married in the outdoors I do believe, so I don't got no worries about that. She hasn't asked me but we talked about it briefly a few months ago before she got engaged. I figured I'd find out how easy it is to become ordained and then offer my services, and then get ordained. But uh, to be honest, the more I think about it, the less totally awesome this idea seems.
  12. I have a book of photos of my ancestors, including someone (don't know exactly who it is) with a piano and a guitar... LIKE ME! Also we have a HUGE old dictionary that was my maternal grandfathers. The only thing we have by him... so of course, it's used as a stand for my parents TV.
  13. Andrew Bird Beatles CSNY Decemberists Elliott Smith Frank Black and the Catholics George Harrison H... ummm... Harrison, George Iron and Wine Jason Molina Kanye West Led Zeppelin Magnolia Electric Co Neil Young Okkervil River Pavement Queens of the Stone Age Radiohead Songs: Ohia (J.M. got the hattrick) Traveling Wilburys Uncle Tupelo Vashti Bunyan (it was either her or the Vines.....) Wilco! X... ummm??? Y... ummm??? Young, Neil!!! Yeah he's on twice. Z... ummm... Zwan?
  14. So my cousin is getting married!! Sweet beans, I know. She's not really religious so I was thinking, hey, why don't I perform the wedding! So I've been looking into getting ordained online, and have found http://www.universalministries.com. Is this a bad idea? Does anyone have any experiences with things like this? Is this a terrible idea?? I figured I'd ask you guys cause most of you are generally older and/or wiser!
  15. Hate to be one of those guys but ummmmmm... http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34170
  16. Yeah I mean when you hear the whispers and then one of the Others shows up. Unless I am forgetting something.
  17. At least Kate's episode was a flashforward and we learned more about what happens after they get off the island. I honestly couldn't care less if Juliet was dating some dude. The point of that whole episode was to show us that Ben thinks Juliet is his. It would have been fine for an episode in season 2 or 3 but not right now. I doubt we'll get any more episodes like that this season though, the producers already said that since this season has been cut back that the new episodes will only have to deal with things important to the overall plot. But yeah, it has to be Michael, he's been in the
  18. I reckon it's Michael on the boat. I reckon we'll see that next week. Anyways, kind of a dull episode. Haven't heard the whispers in awhile.
  19. I like to promote my favorite sport and team!!! Hence the orca.
  20. State? No. Province? Yes. The New Pornographers Ox Destroyer
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