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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Just when I was starting to like him
  2. Wow, I was surprised to see John Edwards at #1 and that bitch Hillary above my man Barack. John Edwards 58% Denise Kucinich 50% Mike Gravel 46% Hillary Clinton 42% Barack Obama 40% Ron Paul 30% Rudy Giulliani 24% John McCain 24% John Cox 21% Alan Keyes 19% Mike Huckabee 17% Fred Thompson 15% Mitt Romney 15% Duncan Hunter 11% http://www.pricegrabber.com/survey/end/?id=9637
  3. Finally saw this (there's a DVD rip of it on the internet........). I liked it a lot, but some of it has me a bit confused. Spoiler don't read on! Does the Richard Gere character at the end who finds the guitar, does that make him into Woody character or does he simply find his old guitar from when he was Woody? Oh and where was Kim Gordon??
  4. I liked it a lot more then A History of Violence.
  5. A lot of it, not all of, but a lot of the loud 'volume' has to do with getting a good signal to noise ratio. I'd take a good s/n any day, even if it meant my music was a bit louder.
  6. I too wish to thank VC for introducing me to Andrew Bird, I have been listening to him non-stop for the past two months or so. The Fingerlings 3 version of Scythian Empire is one of the best things I've ever heard.
  7. For a second there, I was actually glad I moved.
  8. If you want to venture over to Adore, I really enjoyed "To Sheila" and "For Martha".
  9. Is Lounge Axe that Sue owned the same Lounge Axe that was in the film "High Fidelity"?
  10. I find it hard to believe that ANYONE in The Shins are violent.
  11. In no order: The Foxtrot Kid A Mysterious Production of Eggs I'm Wide Awake Magnolia Electric Co The Creek Drank the Cradle Illinois Post War Let Me Go x3 Sea Change From A Basement on the Hill Show Me Your Tears
  12. That sounds really good, I wish I could have gone. Here's hoping for a recording.
  13. I recommend to go with Firewire 800. That way you can record just straight onto your external drive. You may want something larger then 120 gigs.
  14. I wonder what Seth Cohen will think of this.
  15. Except for those non-acoustic percussion instruments.
  16. Agreed. I want one real bad. Also, MIDI = real sweet.
  17. My dad took pretty good care of his records, except for his copy of Born In The USA, which as a big scratch in the middle (which is fine, I'm not a huge fan of The Boss). There are two stashes, I've found one but the other one is hidden somewhere in the house, that's the one I really want, with his Beatle collection. One day... one day. He was a big Dead Head so I got pretty much all early Dead albums, including my personal favorite, American Beauty. I also found The Bands' Rock of Ages. I got a whole bunch of Clapton records and I think all of Hendrix's records. The only record of his that I
  18. Yeah there were a few other songs from SFTBH. "You Won't Get With Me Tonight" was pretty rocking. "Oh No This is Not For Me" was fun. "Come To My Pod" was pretty bad, I recall.
  19. This is kind of embarrassing, I'm a pretty audio savvy dude (just finished two years of school, woot woot) but I just got my first record player this Christmas. I have some questions regarding the records. Will it hurt the record to just drop the needle in the middle of the record (in case I only want to listen to one particular song)? What about handling the actual record... should I avoid getting my fingers on it like the bottom of a CD? Is there any way to clean records? I raided my dad's old collection but some of this stuff probably hasn't been listened to since he was my age (1970!!). Th
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