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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Don't be a negative Nancy! Let him dream!
  2. Ahh!! Someone tripped over a chord or something...
  3. Awe man this one will be good with Andrew!!!
  4. Try closing all your programs (and especially any downloads!!) besides QT.
  5. Pat's such a snazzy dresser, I need some vests like him.
  6. And now all SBS is done. Let's hear some MA now.
  7. You could hear the crowd chuckling, I bet he was making some funny faces or something!
  8. Okay SO!!! All of AM, Being There, Summerteeth, and YHF are done... so we just need What Light and Less Then You Think.
  9. I don't care what Jeff says... I like this song. "I'm like a song writer, you're the reason I've ran out of metaphors"... GOLD!!!
  10. Holy crap! I am very jealous of everyone at this concert right now. Let's ban them all!!!
  11. IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE!!!!! This is pretty great that they keep playing this one lately. I wonder if John will get another song on the next album??
  12. I think I just saw some movement and then it went black. Did anyone else catch that?
  13. I know, it's all A major but even the rhythm is similar. Not sayin' anyone copied anyone just saying sometimes I heard War on War and I start singing that Elliott Smith song (which title escapes me at the moment).
  14. Good call Does anyone else get reminded of an Elliott Smith and also the first song from Andrew Bird's last album when they hear this song?
  15. My audio is hiccuping every once in awhile but it's not too bad.
  16. I realized it's cause I haven't updated my QT in quite awhile (if I do, ProTools will quit working, oh noes!!) luckily my PC has a sub attached anyways.
  17. Nope, which is crazy wack cause you'd think a mac would work better with quicktime.
  18. I got pictures on my desktop PC (with audio) and just audio on my macbook. Hmmm!
  19. My favorite eastern team, Montreal, came back from being down 5-0 tonight. http://canadiens.nhl.com/team/app/?service...=2&gnum=904
  20. Okay, I probably have more recording experience then most people on this message board so let me clear things up. First of all, tape isn't the be all and end all of "analog warmth"... far from it. Compressors, EQs, the board, and especially pre-amps are equally as important. Second, yes, tape isn't as common as it was in 1970 but I really doubt a band like Wilco would have problems finding tape. Third, I can't say for certain but I imagine what Tweedy meant was, he sat down (either alone or with various band members) and arranged the songs on ProTools... probably sequencing out drums and key
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