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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Sonic Youth only have one good album, Murray Street. Devendra Banhart is the kind of guy you see on the bus and try to avoid. Get Out, Get Out, Get Out, is one of the best albums of our times. This thread may be full of douchebaggery but maybe it could be a good thing, maybe if we get all of this out of us now, next time theres a thread about an artist like My Morning Jacket or Bright Eyes we won't have people posting about how they don't like those artists.
  2. Thank you, it's so refreshing to hear someone else say that.
  3. WHAT!?!? Why! I dunno about that! 82 games, is enough to play 29 other teams once at home, once on the road, with the rest of the games being down the stretch inter-division games, so things get tense like this season. If you have a player like Crosby or Ovechkin, they should get to every arena in the league. I'd move the Coyotes back to Winnipeg, the Predators to Seattle, Thrashers to Portland, Lightening to Winnipeg, Canes to Hamilton, and Panthers to Quebec City. Oh and Leafs to Mexico City. Just kidding. Seriously though, it's stupid that Florida has TWO struggling hockey teams and Seat
  4. Oh man I have sooo much I want to get off my chest. Pink Floyd are the second most overrated band in history. The Doors are #1. The Arcade Fire suck. The Catholics made better music then The Pixies. I don't enjoy any jazz and the muted trumpet is the worst sound in the world. Animal Collective/Panda Bear is just trendy shit and I honestly believe that no one likes them. Anodyne is probably just as good as anything Wilco ever did. Kurt Cobain, besides being completely unoriginal, was a bad singer, guitarist, and song writer. Actually, The Police are the most overrated band of all time, I don
  5. I've liked most of the non-Will Farrell Apatow Productions so I'll have the check this one out.
  6. Avery's such a prick, especially what he said about Marty after. He lacks any professionalism and class.
  7. I dunno, it's not a knock on baseball it just does NOTHING for me, I'd like to get into it cause I'm trying to get a career in broadcasting so that'd help but... yeah. Same with basketball. For me it'll always be hockey with a weee bit of football, lacrosse, or soccer.
  8. Exactly. It breaks my heart every time I see that almost 40 page post for baseball. I guess that's America for you though. Panther, my respect for you just doubled. I know The Leafs must be like a cult there, power to you brutha.
  9. I wish I listened to Uncle Tupelo 14 years ago.
  10. Panther, I think you're a pretty cool dude. OK maaayyybeeee I spoke prematurely but that was during the first period, Montreal was in the lead, looking great, and Carey Price made a BREATH TAKING save. What happened tonight? Well he's a 20 year old rookie playing in the finals, he's allowed to have one bad game, just as long as it's in a series like this one. He made that one mistake and it seemed to throw him off for the rest of the game. Montreal in 6. Flyers () in 7. Red Wings in 6. Avalanche in 7. Rangers in 5. Sharks in 7*. Stars in 5. Those are my predictions. I really think the f
  11. So now that Boston is gone, who are all you Boston folks rooting for?
  12. So the last episode we saw was on day 99. Who wants to bet they get off the island on day 108?? I've been rewatching Lost from the beginning since the break. This has only increased my desire for a Rousseau flashback episode.
  13. Sopcast is a p2p thing, I don't fully understand how it works but you can stream live tv onto your lap top. That way, say your in Massachusetts and you want to watch the Anaheim Ducks vs Dallas Stars but ESPN are a bunch of tools and Versus isn't showing it you can watch it using the power of the internet! There's pretty much nothing you can't pirate on the internet these days.
  14. Ain't that great? I'm dissapointed I didn't find out about it until at the end of the season (round these parts almost every playoff game is on either CBC or TSN) but I'm stoked to never have to buy a shitty PPV again. You have no idea how pumped I am for the World Championship. Someone should start a thread for it come closer to May. If I were to bet on any of these series being a sweep it wouldn't have been Senators vs Penguins it would have been Red Wings vs Predators but that's turning out to be a pretty interesting series. Anyways, the thought of a Penguin vs Canadien series has me dro
  15. I like it. I've always wanted to make my own 8 or 10 string lap steel with one of these bridges.
  16. Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of division in the locker room, I don't know. The Canucks need a new captain, new coach, and now a new GM. This could be good though.
  17. He had a better D-line in front of him last year, due to literally every defense man being injured at one point this season. That being said, his wife was pregnant this season and had "complications" so I think that wore on him mentally. She went to Florida to be with her family so that didn't help either. The baby was born at the end of March so he had some staggering traveling hours, which caused him to play some bad games. I really think they should have just rested him or let him be in Florida for a few days. Our backup goalie, Sanford, is good... the entire point of getting him was so if
  18. Yeah the leg braces were before Pinkerton, hence the x-ray inside my Good Life EP. Anyways yeah the braces thing makes sense. The first post-Pinkerton stuff, the Christmas EP, was by far the worst example of his "new" voice.
  19. Carey Price is actually from a town very close to my home town. He's a legend round these parts. Did anyone see that shit Avery pulled the other night? That pisses me off a lot. Ruins the integrity of the game. Anyways... The Canucks owner fired Dave Nonis (the GM) today. Ugh, this could be bad. I know we didn't make the playoffs this year but he's done us a lot of good, we have one of the best defensive cores in the league (that sadly didn't all get to play together this year due to injuries), got the best goalie in the league for next to something, and we have a lot of depth in prospects.
  20. You guys were pretty load, gave the Canadien fans a run for their money. Thomas was really good, if this series goes to 6 games it'll be because of him for sure. What about Calgary, getting scored on three times in the opening minutes and then coming back and winning the game? That was inspiring.
  21. New song sounds okay. Still don't like Rivers voice... something happened after Pinkerton. As for The Shods: boo freakin hoo, you can only copyright melody and lyrics. Every artist has had this done to them and every artist has done it to someone else. Look at The Beatles, Paul's bass lines especially.
  22. I think fade-outs work good on a FEW songs but they are waaayyy over used. I see it as lazy song writing/arranging.
  23. Sloan! One of my favorite "mainstream" rock bands! Excellent.
  24. And which character are you?
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