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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Wow what a great game so far. Both teams have looked good. I'm really glad Pittsburgh has solved Osgood and that it was Crosby who did it. Anyone see all the other players at the game? CBC just interviewed Trevor Linden and Mats Sundin, Ovechkin earlier, Mark Messier is there as well.
  2. It reminds me of myself, circa middle school.
  3. They're playing like a bunch of punk ass kids! It's the Crosby's mustache. He never played bad before. That thing is cursed.
  4. That would have been great to have the last event ever at Yankee Stadium be a hockey game. Oh well. I know lots of people are opposed to them doing an outdoor game every year but I think it's great. Every January 1st there should be an outdoor game with an east team vs a west team. I kind of figured! You have to give us more then that!
  5. The amount of coverage they get for a team that hasn't made the finals since 1967 or even the play offs since 2004 is sickening! I'd take the Oilers or the Senators over them any day. The Wild because I feel they're our biggest North West rivals. Also they're terribly boring to watch play.
  6. I don't speak Italian either. Man, I fucking HATE the Red Wings. HATE HATE HATE!!! They just need to screw off and quit drafting so good. My favorite teams: 1) Canucks 2) Flames 3) Canadiens 4) Penguins .... 28) Minnesota Wild 29) Red Wings 30) Maple Laughs On another note, I flipped off a truck the other day without thinking, cause he had a Maple Leafs decal on his window. I felt a little bit bad but I think it was pretty stellar that my first instinct was to give him the bird. Really speaks for my hatred.
  7. Sorry I don't speak Spanish! Man the finals are the best of the best... I wish I could watch hockey like this all year
  8. Was that K-Fed or Vanilla Ice?
  9. Here's hoping it's another country record.
  10. I'd say the Canadiens are. They've won more Cups then any other team and I think are only behind the Yankees for winning championships in North American sports.
  11. Crosby definitely dives... but that's okay, he's a young player and he'll grow out of it, hopefully. However, I think that's a clear sign that he's not mature enough to captain a team.
  12. No no, he'll be winning it with the Canucks!!! Game one begins on SATURDAY! All the games are at 5 pm pacific time! EDIT: Mark Rumsfield beat me to it!
  13. The most important question of our times. This series is great for the NHL, two power house teams, both of them in traditional hockey markets, no silly Californiee or Georgia or Florida. I'm going with the Penguins for both. I really want them to win the cup now, as I remain hopeful for another team to win within a few years. And who knows how long they can keep these guys together, Malkin already said he wants to get paid more then Ovechkin and Crosby and won't offer them the "home town discount". They're the closest thing we've ever had to the Oilers of the 80s. Obviously both teams want the
  14. Nope this Thursday is Grey's Anatomy finale then the Thursday after is two hours of Lost.
  15. I feel a Pens victory in game 7. I think every city has rumours of Hossa coming to their team. Hey! I predicted the Pens beat the Flyers in 5 and the Red Wings beat the Stars in 6! Should have put money on that.
  16. Cree? I am part cree! We are famous now!
  17. And the time difference stuff!
  18. Um that's not what I meant at all though.
  19. Detroit, go finish off Dallas and let's get this show on.
  20. I am so happy to find someone else who says Nashville Skyline is their favourite. I love it and it's country-rock goodness. For me it's 1) Nashville Skyline 2) Blonde on Blonde 3) Freewheelin 4) The rest of his pre-electric albums in chronological order
  21. I think a lot of people are confusing "song writer" with "lyricist". I'd take Tweedy over Dylan. Yes, Dylan is a better poet. But Jeff is a much more well rounded song writer. For instance JT's melodies and dynamics are consistently better. Also I'd take Wilco arrangements over Dylan arrangements. Not to say Bob Dylan isn't a better song writer but take in account all the aspects of song writing and then try to say that Bob Dylan is better then John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Jeff Tweedy, etc etc. It's like comparing Ovechkin to Crosby.
  22. We should start a poll!
  23. I guess you can never really tell when you have a goalie like Turco in the mix.
  24. Well I guess you got your wish, both series are going to a game 5 though I would be survived if either Dallas or Philly have enough gas left in the tank to force a game 6.
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