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Everything posted by TCP

  1. You're missing my entire point. All I'm trying to get across is that while watching out for commonly posted topics IS important (and I'm also trying to stress that this thread is arguably not commonly posted since the OP was just inquiring on if he's the only one who gets really into one artist at the time) I feel it's more important to make newer users feel welcomed. But I guess I'm alone on that. Either way, you had to bring up the fact that I'm 20, which I don't really see what that has to do with anything so I'm done with this thread before I say something even colder then that.
  2. I've never seen him live but his recording of Scythian Empire is one of my all time favorite live performances, at the end when it sounds like an orchestra... gives me goosebumps every time. Though I think that was one of the songs recorded live in a barn, no audience.
  3. Awe, congrats! That's a lovely name for a little girl. I'd like to name my kids after The Beatles and if I end up having an accidental child, he will be named Ringo. Just kidding. Glad to see we're all on the same page and the friendly lovin' can resume!! That's the most emoticons I'll ever use in one post, I promise.
  4. I know John has his own label, Broadmoar, which puts out his records and some records by his friends & sister.
  5. Ok then, do me a favour and find me one other topic in the last 6 months or in the first 5 pages about musical obsession with just one artist. Sorry but it just bothers me that there's a group of people on this forum who are all on a first name basis and sometimes it seems like they ignore posts written by newcomers... definitely not saying Analogman is one of those people and I'm not saying you are either but... well, I remember what it was like when I first started posting here regularly.
  6. Breast feed them until they're 14 to ensure a close relationship forever!
  7. What I said wasn't really directed at you. I get what you're doing and I think it's important but I think it's more important for the community that newer users feel welcomed. This board can be kind of intimidating with all the cliques and what not. I don't think it's fair that someone's topic gets called "annoying" because everyone decided to ignore the posters main question and talk about something that's been discussed recently. Not that I have a problem with anyone here or anything.
  8. That's good to hear that there wasn't a falling out.
  9. I can't wait, let's hope he doesn't scrap this one. If you like Wilco, M. Ward, that kind of "out there folk music" you'll like Andrew Bird... check out The Mysterious Production of Eggs and Armchair Apocrypha.
  10. If you can't afford a baby sitter just get one of those dog leashes that dig into the ground and just tie your kid up in the back yard all day. They'll be safe AND have fun.
  11. I say keep him, in a limited role. Veteran leadership is very important... you can't trade for or hope to pick up UFAs like him. Over all, very good draft for the K-nucks. Thomas Gradin has been really good at getting us some great European players like the Sedins, as well as unknown players like Alexander Edler and Jannik Hansen who are both really promising... his pick this year was a left winger called "Mats Froshaug". I just wish they would have grabbed this Kruise Reddick guy in the 7th round instead of the g Caoal tending consultant's son. Vancouver has the best goal tender in the world
  12. Blame television/society/whatever is convenient if your children become brats.
  13. I know, it's one of my all time favorite country rock records, right up there with Harvest and Anodyne. Lay Lady Lay (as well as Tangled Up in Blue) is the entire reason I got into Bob Dylan when I was a 17 year old kid with an acoustic guitar cause I didn't have enough money to buy a proper guitar amp (some things never change haha).
  14. What high school girl would sleep with a homeless man?! I'm only 21 but man, things have changed since I finished school, that's for sure.
  15. For what it's worth if you look at the time he posted this, this thread was posted before the last "what's your favorite Bob Dylan album" thread reappeared on the first page. Also he had two questions, one not covered as much as Bob Dylan records.
  16. I'm glad I have no kids... that I know of Yeah but I know numerous girls who are pregnant and are keeping them. I blame Britney Spears' sister as well.
  17. Yeah what's the problem with that? I thought it was over the website but the website looks like all the other team sites?? Ok so the first round was pretty interest. Lots and lots of trade. Phoenix and Columbus probably would get the "most improved" title from draft picks and players traded for. Or maybe Calgary... geeze all players around Vancouver in the standings. However I'm really excited about the Canucks pick, Cody Hodgson. I'm glad they didn't pick Kyle Beach, he sounds like another Bertuzzi and we all know how that went. Hodgson sounds like he could be a future captain... which is gre
  18. Out of curiosity is this getting press outside of BC??? Cause I'd rather the one time the rest of the world does a story on my home land, it not be about body parts washing up on shore.
  19. Just because hockey is over doesn't mean we don't have anything to discuss!! I'm mad at the NFL for trying to come into Canada, besides Ryan Dempster who's dad went to school with my mom, I don't really care about baseball, basketball is over and I'm not the biggest CFL fan in the world so that leaves me with the NHL. Important dates June 20th - NHL Entry Draft Round One - 4 pm PST June 21st - Rest of the NHL Entry Draft - 6:30 am PST July 1st - Free agency July 15thish - Schedule released October 4th - 2008/2009 NHL season begins in Stockholm!!!!!! I figured there's enough news, especia
  20. Mike Mogis is on a lot of albums, there's been so many times I've looked in an albums liner notes and seen his name.
  21. Perhaps we're brothers, I dunno but I do the exact same thing. I've always been like that, since I was 14 and discovered Weezer and bought all their albums, downloaded all their b-sides, bought all the albums by The Rentals, and went on their website every evening to download the latest demos they posted. Then when I was 16 I got really really into The Beatles for about 18 months %75 of what I listened to was probably Beatles or Beatles-related. I can't listen to the Beatles too much anymore due to that so I try to retain from listening to the same albums too much anymore. But I still will get
  22. I dunno, this seems to be Bright Eyes without Mike Mogis, I like a lot of what he does and he can sure rip it up on that pedal steel.
  23. I bet it's some elaborate Olympic protest. Them hippies are starting to bother me. OK! I'm watching the news right now and they just said that the 6th foot found yesterday was a hoax, it was an animal paw stuck inside a shoe. Some people...!!
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