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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Don't know if this has been mentioned but I always thought Ryan Adam's Jacksonville City Nights was pretty freaking stellar and never got the attention it deserved... probably cause it was so country.
  2. Dammit when are they going to find a real big foot!!!
  3. "When the Roses Bloom Again" is on there.
  4. Well it appears my prostate will never fail
  5. I do see a similarity. They both have tried at points of their career, to take "non-listener friendly sounds" and put them into a "listener friendly song"... but who knows maybe I am crazy.
  6. Why does that band name sound so familiar? Nah I'm being silly.
  7. That's my favorite part of a lighter
  8. Preach it!!! You never really hear about this song but it might be one of my favorite Beatle tunes. Absolutely beautiful.
  9. WHAT! This was the funniest movie I've seen since, yep, Superbad. Loved the relationship that built up around Seth Rogen and James Franco. My only problem is they never wrapped up the story line about him and his girlfriend... But regardless, it was worth the 10 dollars, for being absolutely hilarious while still having a lot of heart. As for the anti-pot smoking movie, I could see what you mean but I don't think they drove that message home enough for it to be considered "anti-pot"... cause I left wanting to smoke a bowl
  10. South Park hasn't been the same since he left. RIP Isaac
  11. How frightening. Hope all my eastern brothers/sisters on Via Chicago are all right.
  12. Thank you, kind sir/ma'am! Haven't heard him since I saw him open for Wilco one year ago. I forgot how enjoyable his music is.
  13. I couldn't care less about the summer Olympics. Winter is where it's at! I can't wait for Vancouver 2010 Olympic hockey? Yes please!!! I lost interest in basketball when Nash announced he wouldn't play.
  14. That's so cool! I remember when I got to see Wilco... Nels, Pat, and John all walked past me at various times... I never worked up the courage to say hi and now, I regret it
  15. To me, Jeff is a little bit like Paul McCartney. Paul was best as a Beatle, when he had a musical partner to work with, to tell him what sucks and what doesn't, and most importantly, to push him into doing something brave. It seems like Jeff had that with Jay F., Jay B., and Jim... but when those people aren't around.... the music is pleasant but nothing that won't change the way I listen to music like the first times I heard; Anodyne, Being There, Summerteeth, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, A Ghost Is Born, and Born Again in the USA. Though I think Paul McCartney's quality of music was far more dynam
  16. It was a "soft deadline". Whatever that means. I was really thinking he'd sign here but now I think he's probably retiring. Apparently he's not even working out now... whatever! He could have gone to two teams (MTL or VAN) that would have possibly been contenders with him and maybe won a cup, a great way to end a career (not to mention, all the while, getting paid millions of dollars). He can go play in Toronto and miss the play offs again for all I care
  17. This is the first time I've ever been disappointed in Wilco. I liked Sky Blue Sky but I'm ready for something new, not a rehash. Let's hope other new songs don't sound like this. Sunny Feeling sounds like the Walken style of SBS and One Wing reminds me too much of Impossible Germany. Honestly, I'm missing the synths. If Wilco is going to repeat themselves, I'd rather they repeat Yankee Hotel Foxtrot or A Ghost Is Born.
  18. It's funny you single those songs out... Hot Knives, Soul Singer, and Classic Cars (along with Four Winds, Breakman, Clairaudents, and Must Belong Somewhere [even though it goes on way too long]) are the only songs on that record I like.
  19. Best topic ever! As for the first video posted... I remember, maybe 5-8 years ago, I saw a modern version of that... it was even worse. I recall Kiss being in it. We Are The World is everything I dislike about the 80s.
  20. It's a cover and Jon Brion did all the music (at least, I think so) but damn if that isn't one of his best songs. Also I've always really liked "The Vagabond", the song he did with Air. As for the new album, I'm especially digging the first two songs.
  21. Alright! Thanks everyone for your help (especially VenusStopsTrain2 for the PM!), I ended up using the program ObliviousToMyself recommended and it worked great!
  22. High five to all my fellow Kevins on VC.
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