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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Thank you all for your help! I will try out your ideas and report back!
  2. Grr I had it set to manual but my iPod kept freezing so I reformatted it (which didn't help the freezing!) and it automatically set it to sync. I was going to set it to manual when I had the time but I never got around to it !
  3. Dammit! I've only ever seen a small, pixelated, version that I downloaded when I was 16. I don't care if The Beatles are on their last legs, if there was one band I could back in time and watch in the studio, it'd be them... and this is as close as I can get.
  4. First off: sorry if something like this has been asked. I did a search for "iPod" and came up with 5 pages, that I went through, but didn't see what I wanted to know... and I couldn't think of anything more specific to search! Alright so, a few weeks ago my precious MacBook's hard drive failed on me. Well, it stopped working and at the time I didn't know why. So I took it in to the shop and they had to send it all the way to Kewlona (like a 6 or 7 hour drive away!!) to get it to someone who could repair it (as no one was certified in this two bit town of mine), they assured me it'd take about
  5. Awe! You guys need to come on up to northern British Columbia. It almost seems like in the summer, you can see them every night. Some nights it's just a green band in the sky, almost looking like a cloud with some light pollution on it, but other nights the sky will open with a huge red burst, it's beautiful.
  6. Just because it's not one of your favourites doesn't make it "overrated". All I'm saying is a song with a legacy like that can't be THAT bad. There's plenty of highly regarded music that I don't care for, but I'm not going to call it bad just because it's not what I'm into! HOWEVER, I don't want to fight with you, Solace, so let's agree to disagree
  7. The only other message board I read is the Canucks message board, but that place is full of assholes being mean to each other... I do like to read the rumours though Other then that! Via Chicago is the only place for me.
  8. Ummmm...... actually, you're both incredibly wrong. Yesterday is a great song. There's a reason why it's the most recorded song in the history of pop-music, and there's a reason why it's one of the most celebrated songs by one of the greatest ever songwriters. First Day of My Life, however, is one of the weaker songs on a pretty-ok album. ANYWAYS! As for this new album... I like it, I like it a lot. I like it for the same reason I liked I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning... it sounds like it was recorded live and all the songs sound like they were the first or second time the band played them. Muc
  9. Well, it's decided.... I'm moving to Russia!!
  10. Guess who arrived today! That's right.. MONTY!! He's even cuter in person! Yes, that IS a Winnipeg Jet's shirt.
  11. DARN!! I was on record saying he was a CLASSY DUDE.
  12. SPOILERS! This movie was flawless. By far the best super hero movie I've ever seen. Heath Ledger and Christian Bale was/is two of the best actors of our times. I agree fully with what was said before, Ledger made an unbelievable character in an unbelievable plot seem plausible. The score was terrific, the two note hum used for The Joker was great, I wish I thought of that during my score writing days in school. I'm glad they had the balls to kill off Rachel Dawes, instead of making it a perfect happy ending. I know they're going to do a third movie but I wish they wouldn't, since I sincerely d
  13. Luckily all the carpet has been replaced with tile in recent years haha
  14. I know!! I've always had bassets, when I was born my family even had one. Monty will be my third, it's not a replacement for Vic, who we lost in March, but I just can't imagine not having a basset. Plus my coon hound needs someone to play with. Two more (I'll likely post more once I get him on Tuesday, these pictures are a few weeks old, from the breeder):
  15. I'm getting a new bassethound next week!!!! He's 10 weeks old and his name is Monty. Here are some pictures!
  16. Really?? I don't know much about Chicago, other then what I've seen in the movie IATTBYH, but isn't Wrigley Field suppose to be a big venue? I know that last years Winter Classic set a record in attendance.
  17. Yeah when I heard about that I figured a lot of the VC people would want to go. Here's hoping it doesn't rain. I don't know about the other teams but the Canucks released their schedule today! And man, am I one excited boy! New Jersey (Luongo vs Brodeur, yes please!!!), Ottawa, Montreal, and the Red Wings are all visiting GM Place. I'm most excited to watch the Canucks beat the Leafs and might have to plan a road trip to see that. Or maybe a road trip to watch them play the Canadiens. The best part is, every team will play each other. I think it's a step in the right direction but, in my opini
  18. Blue Jays? Pfft, no thanks kind sir, no thanks!! Most people in Toronto don't even like the Blue Jays haha
  19. As a Canadian I usually could not care less for baseball HOWEVER I am writing to officially declare the Chicago Cubs, CANADA's team due to their pitchers Rich Harden and Ryan Dempster. Two good BC boys. On a side note: My mom went to high school with Ryan Dempster's dad, Wally. They're both (as well as Ryan) from Gibsons, which is a really pretty but small town. My extended family are all down there, it's almost like a second home town to me.
  20. No, I didn't mean that the arrangements ruined that record, if anything they helped but it seems like they were just trying to cover up the lack of good songs. There were no songs that stuck out like Upward Over the Mountain, Jezebel, or Passing Afternoon.
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