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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Free NHL GameCenter preview on nhl.com today. Go watch some games!
  2. Ice cream, love, and happiness too.
  3. Thanks for clearing that up Hollinger... I was about to throw out all my alt-country and country-rock LPs and CDs!
  4. I didn't realize Boston played the trap so much. It was almost like watching the Wild... almost. That would be my one complaint about them. That game would have been epic if Sanford and Fernandez played instead of Luongo and Thomas. EDIT: In risk of offending Walken, I will say this: while I like a lot of Boston players, Thomas, Lucic, Savard, Kessel, Bergeron, and Chara.... Claude Julien is my least favorite coach in the NHL. EDIT 2: On second thought, Jacques Lemaire is, but Julien is a close second. I don't get how a market like Boston, who obviously have attendance problems, can ha
  5. Ok, maybe not gloating. A 1-0 game was kind of a snoozer. Tim Thomas is the most underrated goalie in the league, that was frustrating to watch... but I can't complain, that game could have gone either way.
  6. It was either seeing that ugly flying V jersey... or I am finally maturing. Probably the jersey.
  7. Believe me, there is still a lot of people in Vancouver who are very bitter about that trade. Now there's comparisons to Lucic as the next Neely, they're both BC boys, won memorial cups here. Vancouver had two second round draft picks that year, both higher then where Lucic went... and they traded them away for players that didn't work out. Vancouver's drafting has always been terrible, with Neely, Linden, and Bure being the three best players to be drafted. Now that I write this, all three were at one point, traded away by some chump. Neely one of the best players to ever put on a Nuck's je
  9. I don't mind. Obviously early Beatles recordings wouldn't work well in 5.1 but "Tomorrow Never Knows" would be an interesting listen, if they did it properly. It wouldn't really be 5.1, most of it would be 4.0 anyways.
  10. I bet Wilco could release one hell of a box set with all these sessions. Or a series of demo album releases like Rivers Cuomo.
  11. TCP

    Jeff's hat

    Does anyone know if Glenn has braces? :
  12. I'm in the same boat. I went to audio school between 2006 and 2007. Now I am graduated and I rarely listen to music anymore. Every 3 months I get inspired by something and begin writing songs but that lasts about one night, maybe two. I think I am broken
  13. I'm digging Jim White lately.... Jailbird is one of the best thing I've ever heard.
  14. Magnolia Electric Co - Farewell Transmission is pretty good.
  15. The Canadian dollar was really really low in the mid-90s, which is part of the reason why the Jets and Nordiques left. Also the NHL figured moving teams out of places with snow and ice and into places with sunshine and beaches was a good idea (Minnesota North Stars, Hartford, Quebec, Winnipeg, all moved to the south). The NHL returning to Winnipeg is inevitable, it will happen. There is a strong push to bring the NHL into Hamilton, Ontario (via Nashville). There's also a lot of speculation about a second team in Toronto, which, as much as I would hate it, would probably work. I still believe t
  16. WHY CAN'T IT BE 2009 NOW?!
  17. Panthers and Lightening should be merged, North Stars and Barons style, to create a real good team.
  18. At this early on in the season, I'd say San Jose, Detroit, or Dallas are the likely team to appear in the finals from the west. But that always changes due to injuries, players performances (some players get magically better, look at Ryan Kesler or Alex Burrows some get worse, look at anyone that's ever signed to Toronto), and trade deadlines (also: luck). They look good though, real good. I've always had a lot of respect for Dallas, they're always fun to watch plus: Modano is a legend. That was a terrible commercial, oh God. The 70's were a horrible time to some people. Anyways, Super Saturda
  19. Oh! Oh! I have the answer to both of those questions!
  20. I would kill to be able to see a hockey game, even from the last row, for $16.50. Lucic! Damn that was a monster hit. Reminds me of a young Trevor Linden. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnXOLoOSbvc
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