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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I have a theory that the songs aren't as good on that one was they were on the previous two albums, so he tried to cover it up with elaborate arrangements.
  2. Yeah but he's refusing to sign an extension, everyone seems to believe that he's going to Toronto next summer. The Maple Laffs hired Burkes best bud, Ron Wilson as head coach and tried really hard to get his other best bud, Dave Nonis as an assistant GM. Burke would love the attention in Toronto, the biggest hockey market in the world.
  3. The Creek Drank the Cradle is one of my all time favorite records, it's beautiful. Great album in the autumn. Our Endless Numbered Days is good though I don't think it's on the same level as The Creek. The EPs are all really strong as well, The Sea and the Rhythm, In the Reins, and of course Woman King. Basically their all good, though I didn't get really into the last one like I did for all the other releases. It is a great album to listen to on headphones though, most of the songs "link" together and the album is mixed really well, it's so deep and wide.
  4. Brian Burke is a fucking shitty GM. Toronto deserves him. Lowe, though a prima donna, is right... he was the GM of Vancouver for 6 years and they won ONE playoff round. He left us with nothing, no prospects. In fact, RJ Umberger was drafted by the Canucks but Burke refused to sign him!!! And now look at him, he's exactly the player we need. Burke's a bully who loves attention. I can't believe the respect he commands. I'd take Pat Quinn, Dave Nonis, or Mike Gillis over Brian Burke any day. Kind of shocked to see Naslund go to the Rangers... fair is fair I guess, we got one of their washed up
  5. Calling Naslund an "ex-Penguin" is kind of weird. That's like calling Gretzky an "ex-Indianapolis Racer". However! I'd be surprised if he goes to the Pens (or the Wild, apparently they offered him a contract). A player of his caliber, who still got 25 goals playing without any line mates (Taylor Pyatt? pfft) doesn't go through two days of UFA without getting signed for no reason. He's waiting to see if Sundin accepts the 20 million offer (Team 1040 is saying that Sundin is working out contract details, apparently) and then see how much money is left for him. He'd probably take a "home town dis
  6. I know. Jesus Christ that team has some fire power.
  7. Here's hoping for Hossa in Edmonton, even though they're a division rival of Vancouver, there's only one Canadian team I want to see stuck in mediocrity. At this hour, looks like Vancouver is going to get Sundin. Sure, for a lot of money.... making him the highest paid player in hockey, still though. I like what this could mean....... Naslund - Sundin - Demitra? Raymond? Grabner? Sedin - Sedin - Someone with a right handed shot Burrows - Kesler - Wellwood Hordichuk - Johnson - Brown That looks really good. The D is still intact, we still have Luongo. The Sedins won't be shut down against t
  8. Canada Day! The most magical day of the year! Things that make me proud of being a Canadian: Hockey! Basketball (we invented it!) The Band (minus Levon Helm) Neil Young The New Pornographers BC Bud.. I mean ummm! That cute girl from Juno! Trailer Park Boys Terence and Phillip More hockey!!
  9. When Your Heart Strings Break is probably my favorite indie rock album of the 90s.
  10. Wow that was really good.
  11. Sometimes (well a lot of the time), yes, but I wish my country had someone like Barack Obama running for prime minister, so you know, take what you can get.
  12. If it's out of print you might have to order some waffles or a similar item, if you get my drift.
  13. Using it on a Mac and I like it. My only problem is when I try to open my e-mail from MSN Messenger, it'll open a new tab in FireFox that doesn't do anything, so then I have to go in manually... booo-urns.
  14. I thought it was cool that they were all standing around one mic. Then I saw the part where they played Ms. Sweeney..........
  15. Not judging, just wondering, how often do you ever listen to the vast majority of those?
  16. I just took some pictures of my gear, hope you guys don't mind me showing them off!! I store everything in what I call "Le Studio de Kevin". It was my brothers old room, hence the Trailer Park Boys poster, dog-wall paper, and 1980's LA Kings and Calgary Flames wall-flyer things. This is my new MIDI keyboard I got two days ago, in the mail! I looove it. MacBook with Logic open, and my M-Box II. My Epiphone Les Paul, Fender Banjo, and my electric bass guitar It won't let me post the next three... even in a seperate post, even though all 6 pictures are from photobucket.... soo here are s
  17. I was 16... and well, you know how 16 year olds can be... I loved alternative music so I went to Edmonton to see The Foo Fighters live. And guess who opened? My Morning Jacket. I still remember being blown away during the guitar wailing of One Big Holiday.
  18. Due to my unfortunate case of being born in 1987 I haven't seen anyone like that in concert. I've made it my mission to see Dylan though. In fact, due to growing up in a small, northern Canadian town, I've only seen a few concerts. However, one of those concerts was Wilco and in 30 years I'll be able to say "yeah, I saw Wilco live, saw 'em sound check too..." and people will gasp. Until then....
  19. I've never heard of them but the fact that it's Canadian and apparently, rootsy, means I should check it out. Always trying to find more Canadiacana to play on my alt-country/folk-rock radio show where I have to play a certain amount of Canadian content due to "the man".
  20. Oh yeah, I forgot about Robbie and his overdubs. One of my instructors in college was talking about how the only musician he was ever nervous about meeting was Robbie Robertson and said that he was a total prick to him. Which is kind of cool, since this guy was a total prick to me.
  21. Like the time he left I'm Not There off the Basement Tapes and also left it off all The Bootleg Series.
  22. I can't say if I like one more then the other but they do make a great duo.
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