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Everything posted by TCP

  1. They found another one!!!!
  2. No man, it's a Unicorn it can fly and stuff. No actually, it's a deer that must have suffered some sort of trauma as an infant. Pretty neat though, I think. Maybe, long long ago, there was a deer spotted like this and that's where the legends come from, who knows.
  3. Coldplay is actually one of my guilty pleasures. Shh don't tell anyone!!
  4. I don't think reinterpretating (is that a word?) people's work that came before you is that bad of a thing, there's a strong tradition of that in folk music, why not rock? Just as long as they are honest about it and don't directly steal one particular song.
  5. Did you guys here about this? http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/06/11/u...deer-italy.html Maybe it's just the T3s I took for the wisdom tooth that got yanked and the root canal I got today but this is pretty much the best news I've heard all year.
  6. I know I was watching the news today and they kept talking about that and how all the airlines are going to go under with in a few years. Global makes the already dark world a whole lot more depressing Apparently one of the theories is it could be from a boat (I think) that sunk a few years ago.
  7. Yeah Jeff and Jay were BFFs back then and made a lot of that record without the rest of the band. Must have been nice being John and Ken and not being needed after bed tracks were finished
  8. He needs to hit up places other then Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, and Montreal. Specifically: PRINCE GEORGE!
  9. I'm far too manly to cry but if I wasn't I'd second "Of Mice and Men".
  10. Dearest Jeff, Please do a Western Canada tour. You've never done anything extensive like this before. We love your music just as much as people in America. Love, Kevin p.s. I'll make sure no one throws you drugs this time.
  11. I want a pump organ... has anyone had any experience with harmoniums? Any particular ones that you could recommend? Thanks!!
  12. Don't know if this has been answered but that Amaj7add13add7 (your second 7th there is redundant! you don't add a 7th ) is, I believe, Em7add#9, kinda a jazzy chord. But I could be wrong.
  13. Awe they're adorable! That makes me miss my basset
  14. Ben does not look old enough so have an adult daughter who appears to be in her late 20s or early 30th. He barely looked old enough to be Alex's father. I'm pretty sure that Miles knew Michael was lying because Michael was being haunted by the ghost of Libby.
  15. This is Gus! He is a "red bone coon hound" like in the book Where The Red Fern Grows. He just ate a spider, just a few minutes ago, cause he's goofy like that. He actually has brown eyes, not green. And this is Vic... who passed a few months ago ... but was pretty much as great as a dog can be
  16. I can't wait to get a mortgage. Oh wait, that's the opposite of how I feel! Congrats!
  17. I always feel bad when I think of my great grand father, who when he was my age he fought in WW1 and lost his sight at Vimy Ridge. Or his son, my grand father, who fought in WW2 in the Battle of Britain. Then there's me, the guy who can't get out of bed till 11.
  18. I like the songs you are covering! Good luck to you tonight!!
  19. I know! I was just hoping maybe Amazon got their info wrong! or or or or or or or or maybe they're doing something like that Flaming Lips album where you have to get 5 boom boxes!!!!!! Doubt it.
  20. Keep a camera in case you see Miley Cyrus kissing someone, that'll get you a pretty penny apparently.
  21. Welcome back Orca, I missed you!!!!!! Let's never be separated again. Alright well, we do all have the draft to look forward to in a few weeks! And I'm sure there'll be lots of news coming up, a la Toronto tampering-- uhh I mean hiring a new coach.
  22. I have must respect for J.E.
  23. Man, that was so close near the end Damn! The Wings are a great team though. The Pens will be back. I felt so bad for Malkin at the end, when he was just sitting on the ice. A pretty good series though! Fuck, we got to wait four months for more hockey
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