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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I think that's a good idea. People can post about up coming shows, get advice, etc etc.
  2. Has anyone heard this yet? It's really good.
  3. I heard he's playing Tony in the Wilco movie.
  4. The Beatles are my all time favorite band. I think, when I was 16 and discovered them, there was a good 18 months where ALL I listened to was Beatles.
  5. I agree with your Rod statement but disagree in regards to "Walken".
  6. I completely agree. I remember the summer I bought "All Things Must Pass". It was a great summer. "Give Me Love" is one of the first songs I was able to play and sing.
  7. I saw Magnolia Electric Co for the first time on the 31st of August. I agree that it was too short but besides that it was great. Did they do the Hammer Down -> Montgomery medley? That was pretty great.
  8. Five albums that changed my life: Revolver Blonde on Blonde Yankee Hotel Foxtrot The Creek Drank the Cradle And lastly, Show Me Your Tears, was the first country-rock album I got into, which opened a lot of doors for me. What would yours be?
  9. Was this one of those Much Music Snow Job things they use to do?
  10. Apparently the reason why VHS won over Betamax was cause the porno industry went with VHS.
  11. Neil Young? Pavement? Bob Dylan? Yeah right, those records suck! GOTCHA!
  12. There's just no pleasing some people, I suppose.
  13. This is from my facebook page: The Beatles, Wilco, Bob Dylan, Beulah, Sufjan Stevens, Bright Eyes, Iron and Wine, The Rentals, M. Ward, The Band, Pavement, Radiohead, Neil Young, Ryan Adams, Belle and Sebastian, Stars, Sonic Youth, Uncle Tupelo, Beck, The Decemberists, Elliott Smith, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, The New Pornographers, Songs: Ohia, The Magnolia Electric Co., Jason Molina, Devendra Banhart, My Morning Jacket
  14. This is bizarre. Why does Radiohead want my cell number?
  15. The Wilco Book CD is pretty good. As good as Summerteeth? Uhh I wouldn't say so, but it's still a great listen. "Pure Bug Beauty" is one of the best things Wilco ever put to tape.
  16. What the heck is this Vegoose festival?
  17. I've been to Red Deer, Edmonton, and Calgary. Once I went to Bellingham (in America!), and that's it. I'm kind of like a hobbit, I don't leave the shire much.
  18. Yeah, that whole verse is pretty clever.
  19. I don't know if it's better then The Creek Drank The Cradle, few albums are... but it sure is close.
  20. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot changed everything for me.
  21. In that case, the second half of Abbey Road and that last Sloan record.
  22. Wow, thanks for posting these. That Screen Door video is awesome.
  23. Grr, they skip Vancouver. Here's hoping for a December 5th show.
  24. Probably one of my favorite books that I read in school.
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